Essay Writing: Using Dialog Frame to Improve Speaking and Pronunciation ~ ADITAMA SAPUTRA 707

Friday, 4 March 2016

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Essay Writing: Using Dialog Frame to Improve Speaking and Pronunciation

             There are several skills in English, but it can be classified to 4 parts; listening, reading, speaking, and writing. From those skills, speaking is very essential skill to be mastered. Speaking is very important because it for communication between one people and another people. In speaking we also have to know how we can speak well. To make a good response from the other in communication, we must make sure weather our statements or expressions are right so that our purpose can be understood well. It can depend on several aspects. The aspect is like pronunciation, it is very important thing that will influence for understanding of our partner when doing the communication. The dialog frame is the way to practice speaking and pronunciation. Bill is an English teacher for foreign language. He has been teaching English for old twenty five years now. He has worked in thirty training courses. He practically works with low level and with intonation in teaching English. The steps of dialog frame are; preparation, exercise, and practice. So there are three main stages in this method of teaching.

             The first stage is the teacher provides a certain topic in series of pictures. The topic is about expressions. The teacher teaches about expression to the student and shows the picture that represents the expression. With showing about picture the student will get the easier for understand clearly about the expression. For example the teachers say ‘happy’ and the teacher also show the picture which indicates happy expression; perhaps the picture is someone who has laugh or smile. So the student will know the expression of happy with help of picture. Here the teacher also teaches about the words. In another example bill tell about the anxious expression, and then the teacher also shows the picture that represents the anxious expression, so is beyond. That is the first stage that used by teacher or bill.

           The second stage is the teacher pronouncing the expression with intonation and gestures. In speaking, intonation and gestures is very important because it also help to get the meaning of words. If we say a word with wrong intonations, it will have the different meaning. So, here the teacher tells to the students about what kind of gestures and intonation that should be used when the students make a conversation. Actually, every expression has different intonation, so we have to know and we have to say it correctly. The teacher can teach or tell how we pronouns a word with a good intonation and gesture. For example the teacher said “what did you do last night?” When we pronoun ‘do’, with rising intonations. After the teacher explain the whole thing. And then the teacher can give the time for the student to do the conversation between them correctly.

            The third stage is the teacher gives instruction to the student for make dialog in pairs. Firstly, the student can practice the dialog with their partner with the question and answer like that has been explained by the teacher. From the first stage the teacher has been teach from words and then questions and also sentences, so the student can practice. After that, the students make the conversations by their own sentence. It means that the student must use the material in make the conversation and the topic of conversations can be developed by themself. It can be about their activity in everyday or something they want to do. Then the teacher asks to the student to practice their own conversation from one partner to another partner with replaces. Thus, the speaking practice will make the student know about what they have to say and how they to say it.

            In the conclusion, speaking is very important in English and pronunciation also very important because it also to be consideration the meaning of the sentence or word. Dialog frame is the teaching method that can be used to teach speaking and pronunciation. There are some steps that easily in using it in the class activity. It also depends on the student knowledge about the expression and gestures. The first stage is preparing the picture that related with the topic that will deliver, the second stage is action, pronouncing the expression with intonation and gestures, the third step is gives instruction to the student for make dialog in pairs.

1 komentar:

  1. Nice and informative blog. Writing ability is crucial to anybody success and your future success.


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