Improving Speaking Skill of the Tenth Graders of SMK Negeri 1 Kedung Jepara by Using Board Game in the Academic Year 2014/2015
Mustaqim, Agus Toriqul.
2015. Improving Speaking Skill of the
Tenth Graders of SMK
Negeri 1 Kedung Jepara by Using Board Game in the
Academic Year 2014/2015.
Skripsi. English Education Department, Teacher Training and Education Faculty,
Muria Kudus University. Advisor: (1) Dr. H. A. Hilal Madjdi, M.Pd., (2) Atik
Rokhayani, S.Pd, M.Pd.
Speaking as one of aspect of communication is very
important. This skill belongs to the productive that delivering the idea or
information in spoken language. Speaking includes some components. They are:
pronunciation, grammar, fluency, vocabulary and comprehension which influence
the process of transferring certain information (Descriptive text) to the
listener. In teaching speaking, the teacher needs to choose the most suitable
media in order to gain the effective teaching and learning process.
This research aims to describe the implementation of Board Game as one of media to improve
the speaking skill of the tenth graders of SMK Negeri 1 Kedung Jepara in the
academic year 2014/2015. It is also conducted to find the improvement of the
students’ speaking skill.
This research is a ClassroomAction Research that consists of two cycles. Each cycle consists of four
stages: planning, acting, observing and reflecting.
The writer conducts the research collaboratively with the English teacher. The
subject of the research is 32 students from tenth grade of Accounting Program
Class 3 of SMK Negeri 1 Kedung Jepara. The instruments in this research are Board Game, observation sheet, speaking
test and questionnaire.
Based on the finding of the research, the
students’ average score in Pre-cycle
is 68.7 and the category is sufficient. Here, the students’ average score is
under the KKM (70).
While in Cycle
1 and Cycle
2, the students’ average score are improved to be 70.75 and 73.12
and the category is good. In Cycle 1 there are 17 students who get lower score than KKM and in Cycle 2 there are 7 students who get
lower score than KKM.
In process of teaching the
students by using Board Game, there
are some improvements. The teacher makes better changes in teaching her
students. She and the writer also collaboratively evaluate and compose the
procedure of teaching and complete the parts of Board Game for best teaching result. Based on the result of the questionnaires,
the students’ opinion for Board Game
as the media in learning speaking is also positive. They enjoy and can practice
English more by playing the game in group. The writer then stops
the cycle because thus findings answer the success indicators of the
From the facts above, the writer concludes that Board Game can be a choice for teacher
in teaching speaking especially for Descriptive text. By using this media in
teaching, the students can practice their English more and enjoy the teaching
and learning process.
In this chapter the writer presents the
general issues related to the research. These include background of the
research, statement of the problem, objective of the research, significance of
the research, scope of the research and operational definition.
Background of the Research
Teaching speaking is
not a simple thing to do. Unsiah and Wardani (2012:1) state that speaking is not only producing
sounds but also a process of achieving goals that involves transferring
messages across. It means that teaching speaking focuses not only in producing
the voice but also delivering the meaning to the others. It needs certain way
to invite the students to speak based on the certain context.
students’ Speaking Skill as the foreign language in the classroom is not easy
because the students do not use their English in their daily activities. The students commonly learn English 2- 3 periods a
week. It feels very lack if the teacher does not have the appropriate way to
teach the students. According to Nunan (1991:51), “Success
is measured in term of ability to carry out a conversation in the (target)
language”. In addition, Rahman (in Priajana, 2012:1) states that oral
communication is unique and learned rhetorical skill that requires
understanding what to say and how to say it. It means that the teacher needs to
facilitate their students to be active in practice speaking English as much as
possible in the class and it must be useful for them because it might be hard
for students to practice in speaking English outside the English class.
the context of teaching English, SMK Negeri 1 Kedung Jepara needed more
attention in teaching speaking for the students. There were many students did
not show the positive participation in the class. The students listened to
their teacher more than practice speaking in English. These then made many
students get lower score than the passing grade in speaking. In addition, based
on the result of interview to the teacher related to the teaching media, the
teacher said she seldom used certain media in teaching process. This then made
the students easy to be bored in practice speaking because of the monotone way
in teaching English. The result of observation showed that the teacher was
still a main actor in the classroom; since it was not appropriately done for
the school that expects to use students centered learning.
on the case of teaching speaking in SMK Negeri 1 Kedung Jepara, the writer
would like to introduce the media to improve students’ speaking skill that is
called Board Game. It is important to
try using this media in teaching speaking because the tenth grade students are
ideally can produce the simple sentences fluently and accepted by others, so
they must be active in speaking English at least in the class. In addition, it
is also important to decrease students’ boredom in English class so that
teaching and learning objective can be reached well.
by using Board Game would make some
improvements; the student’s speaking skill would be better because in the
teaching by using Board Game uses
pictures that catch students’ interest and instructions in the game which
invite the students to be more active in speaking. Board Game would increase not only students’ speaking skill because
of the roles that invite the students to speak more but also students’ role in
the class. It means the teaching activity by using Board Game designs the Students
Centered Learning.
on the explanation above, the writer was interested in doing a classroom action
research entitled “ImprovingSpeaking Skill of the Tenth Graders of SMK Negeri 1 Kedung Jepara by Using Board Game in the Academic Year2014/2015”.
Statement of the Problem
Based on the background
of the research above, the writer would like to limit the problem as follows:
1. How is the implementation of teaching by using Board Game to improve the speaking skill
of the tenth graders of SMK Negeri 1 Kedung Jepara in the academic year
2. Can teaching by using Board Game improve students’ speaking skill of the tenth graders of
SMK Negeri 1 Kedung Jepara in the academic year 2014/2015?
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