Using Real thing for Teaching Speaking in Junior High School ~ ADITAMA SAPUTRA 707

Sunday 6 March 2016

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Using Real thing for Teaching Speaking in Junior High School

Speaking is the most important part for doing the communication. If we want to delivering something to another we have to speak, without speak we will get difficulty for convey the information. Teaching speaking not too difficult if we used an appropriate media, with using real thing could stimulate the student to pay attention more in our teaching so they can faster to understand about the material that delivered by the teacher. Real thing is an interesting media that can be used for the teacher. Generally real thing is a real object that used for replace the original object. For example like; doll, hand phone, board marker, flower, etc. So with using real thing we don’t need to bring real object in the classroom such as bear, we don’t need to bring an original bear to the class so we just make a doll that represent bear and it is simple. Following will explain about the steps of using real thing for teaching speaking exactly in junior high school.

The first step is selecting. In selecting of real thing, we have to find an appropriate real thing based on the material purpose that will we deliver. For example we want to describe about animal, lion for example. So we can use simple real thing such as lion doll for represent the original lion. Make sure that all of the student get ready for accept the lesson. Real thing that you used is must interesting, so it will make your student interested with your material that will you deliver with using real thing. Sometimes the teacher uses real thing which not appropriate with the content of material. When choosing about media the first thing is the teacher decides the material, for example like descriptive. The teacher can chooses if the teacher wants to describe mountain, he or she could use the real thing for imaginary of it.

The second step is instruction. Here teacher explains the procedure of the lesson that would be given. Secondly, the teacher explains the procedure of the lesson that would be given. Here, the teacher gives the steps and explanation about how to do the tasks given. The teacher should explain how to describe with using real thing. The teacher also could give example the sentence that describes the real thing used by teacher. For example the teacher uses lion then the teacher explain and gives example such as; the lion is a big animal, he has yellow long hair. Then the teacher should ask to the student to allow the teacher said. Then the teacher ask to the student to come forward one by in in front of class then the student must make another sentence that relation with the real thing.

The third step is evaluation. After the student finished the describing real thing, the teacher gives the evaluation is the student sentence right or not. While the students come forward in front of class the teacher make a note from the student talking about. Then the teacher makes evaluation with ask to the student. When there is wrong sentence the student must repaired the filed sentence. After the teachers evaluation, the student will know which one the true sentence and which one wrong sentence. With this step the student also will get more experience about speaking like how to arrange sentence, how to replace a word. That will improve the student ability in speaking. Because with using this step the student will stimulate to express their ability in speaking.

In short term, teaching speaking with using real thing is an easy way to stimulate the student to be active in class and the student also stimulate the student for express their ability in speaking. Real thing is an interesting media that can be used by the teacher for teaching speaking in junior high school exactly. For teach with uses real thing, there are three steps that must allow by the teacher. They are; selecting, instruction, and also evaluation. For practice this method, the teacher must know and the teacher must make a calm condition in class. So this method will run successful. Actually, with using this steps the teacher not only teach speaking but with not believe they also teach about grammar. As we know that in evaluation the student can analyze the right sentence arrangement. 

written by aditama saputra 707

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