Hidayat, Mansur. The Implementation Of
Using Short Video Stories To Increase Students Understanding In learning
Narrative Structure In Seventh Grade Of MTs SA Pancasila Salatiga Academic
Years Of 2012/2013. English and Education Department State Islamic Studies
Institute. Supervisor: Maslihatul Umami, S.Pd.I, M.A.
Words: Implementation, Short Video Stories, Narrative Structure
is becoming more
and more important
in Indonesia as it is different
purpose, such as
teaching, culture and
among other. Many students confuse to
understand reading texts,
especially about genre.
They don’t understand to analyze
the genre in the texts. Many students feel boar and not interesting with
reading texts. They are lazy to read more text.
The purposes of this research are
divided into two parts. The first purpose of this research is to find out
whether using short video stories
improve the student achievement of the 7th year students of MTs SA Pancasila
Salatiga in the academic year of 2012/2013. The second purpose is to find out
how far is the significant contribution of using short video stories to the
students understanding in learning narrative structure of the 7th year students
of MTs SA Pancasila Salatiga in
the academic year of 2012/2013.
This research used classroom action
research which consists of two cycles. The researcher used tests, documents,
and observation to collect the data. The data were analyzed and calculated by
using t-test formula. If to is same or greater than tt, null hypothesis is
received. T-table with n = 26 is 1, 25 and the result of to 12, 39. From the
calculation showed that to is greater than tt. It means that there is
significant difference between pre-test and post-test. The researcher concluded
that using short videos stories improves the students understanding in learning
narrative structure and there is a significant contribution of using short
video stories to the students understanding in learning narrative structure of
the 7th Year Students of MTs SA Pancasila Salatiga in The Academic Year of
Background of The Study
English is becoming more and more
important in Indonesia as it is different purposes, such as teaching, cultural
and among others. In Indonesia, English is as one of foreign language which is
taught in elementary school, junior high school, and senior high school.
The main aim of teaching English is to
develop four language skills, i.e. listening, speaking, writing, and reading.
Reading is one of the four language skills, which should be developed in
teaching English. Reading as well as other language skills, is placed as one of
the important skills for students to be mastered. Here, teaching of reading is
essential for preparing students with basic reading skill to be able to gain
information and knowledge from any teaching text. Rivers (1981:259) said “reading
is the most important activity in any language class, not only as a source of
information and pleasurable activity, but also as means of consolidating and
extending one’s knowledge of the language.”
Here, many students still difficult to
understand reading texts, especially about genre. They don’t understand to
analyze the genre in the text. In English, we know many genres based on the
text, for example narrative, descriptive, recount, report, etc. Here, the
writer focuses in narrative story text.
By understanding narrative story
ability, we can carry out the main and aim of the text what tell about, give
ideas, and share information from the story, so we are easy to know information
or news from the story.
Based on the important role of
understanding about English text, Understanding genre and structure in the text
ability is needed by the students. According to PP. No. 96 1997 said that
English is a compulsory subject as the first foreign language which has been
taught in Junior High Schools. In KTSP curriculum, it is clearly stated that
one of the objectives of the English subject in Junior High School is
developing the ability to communicate in English, either in written or oral
form which covers writing, listening, reading and speaking.
Ideally, in reading class, the students
should be taught how to read, how to understand the text, how to find the
structure of the text, how to encourage the main idea clearly and correctly,
how to make students success in processing of constructing meaning, receiving,
and processing information. The components of reading class are genre, grammar,
generic structure, vocabulary, and comprehension.
the fact has
shown that the
students are hard
to understand their reading ability. They are
difficult to find
the generic structure in the narrative text. It is also evidence that in
class, the students have limited time to practice their reading skill. However,
they are not interested to read a text and feel boring with a text. Sometimes,
they feel lazy and tired to read a text. Therefore, interesting is very
important in reading subject.
Teaching English in Islamic Junior High
School is less focus on reading especially in genre. Teaching reading is not an
easy job. There are many problems in teaching reading. First, it relates to the
condition of the students who are lack of vocabulary. Second, the students get
used to read their Indonesian language.
Third, they don’t
interest to read
texts in English language. For
instance, when the teacher asks them to read a text, they refuse it. Another
problem related to the students is that they are not interested in the material
given to them. Those problems are faced by the students of MTs Pancasila
Salatiga at the first year. The teacher sometimes cannot control the class and
this situation makes them impossible to continue the learning process.
far, there are still many English
teachers who stand to use classical methods. The methods do not
recommend a lot to learn traditionally or just reading a lot of text, but only
improve reading skills in foreign language. The methods do nothing to the
improvement of students' understanding in narrative structure. To achieve this
aim, the teachers need to devise learning and teaching activities that are
suitable with students need and interest.
Appropriate strategy which
provides interesting activities
will encourage students to be active and realize the demand that they are
supposed to have.
Teaching English in Junior High school
is learning through fun. To set students’ motivation can use many ways. Teacher
can apply interesting methods and medium or playing kinds of games. One of the
interesting methods in teaching narrative structure is applying short videos.
When students watch the story video which played by the teacher the students
will get
point from the
story, so they
can understand about
generic structure of the narrative story. Moreover, short video should
be suitable for children and improve their motivation in learning narrative
Usually, almost all children like story.
It makes them enjoyable and fun in learning foreign language. Using short
videos to children can helps them to play their imagination based on the words
and pictures. Short videos also helps students be active in the classroom, they
try to guess what the passage of story is. Teaching English by using short
videos has the good result; it is improve student’s motivation and their
understanding in learning narrative structure.
include ideas, objective,
imagination, language, etc.
in which it can influence the grown up student’s personality. It is
appropriate with Jeremy Harmer (2001: 282): “The use of videotapes has been a common
feature in language teaching for many years. It is rare, these days, for a
publisher to produce a major course book without a video component added in,
and teachers frequently enliven their classes with off-air material or tapes
produced for language learning.”
However, teacher gets difficulties in
integrating short video into classrooms. Some of students who do not like
English will feel sleepy, bored, confused, and frustrated when the teacher
shows the story. Moreover, reasons for using short video in learning narrative
structure are teachers have problems such as lacking the skill for integrating
stories into foreign language, lacking experience or training in using
technology, no time, error instrument and space short videos in curriculum.
From the clarification above, the writer
takes the using of short videos as the topic of this research. That is the
reason why the writer chooses the title for this paper ’’The Implementation Of
Using Short Video Stories To Increase The Students’ Understanding In
Learning Narrative Structure Of Seventh Grade Students Of Mts
Pancasila Salatiga Academic Year Of 2012/2013.”
The Statement of The Problem
It is necessary to formulate the scope
of research, in order to avoid misunderstanding of the writer about the subject
matter discussed. The problems are:
Can the use of short video stories improve the students’ attention or participation
in learning narrative structure?
Can the use of short video stories improve the students understanding in
learning narrative structure?
3. To what extent is the use of short
video stories improving the students understanding in learning narrative