The Study of Speech Act in "Body of Lies" Movie ~ ADITAMA SAPUTRA 707

Tuesday, 12 April 2016

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The Study of Speech Act in "Body of Lies" Movie

Handayani, Jati, 2012, “THE STUDY OF SPEECH ACT IN (BODY OF LIES) THE MOVIE” A Graduating Paper, STAIN Salatiga, Tarbiyah, Faizal Risdianto, S.S. M.Hum.
Key Words:  Speech Act.
Jati Handayani's graduating paper title is “The Study of Speech Act in "Body of Lies" Movie. The objectives of her research are the speech act in the “body of Lies” movie script. The problems of this research are types of speech act and Searle‟s categories of illocutionary act. There were caused by different factors of culture  as  the  setting  of  the  film.  Their  greeting  influenced  how  the  actors converse one another when they say a polite greeting a make a conversation. These caused the actors conversation a different type of speech.
The data were taken by script of the film. The writer gets the main data from the”Body of lies” the movie script and secondary data taken from books. The collected data are analyzed by documentation method. From the researches are got some finding types of speech act like directness, literalness, and directness and literalness in the “Body  of  Lies”  the  movie.  Besides,  the  findings  are  Searle's categories  of illocutionary act such as representative, directive, commissive, expressive, and declaration.

A.  Background of the Study
Speech act is one of pragmatics study that is important in daily conversation. Through conversation people can share their ideas, feeling, and opinion to others. Most of people care with their society, so they keep the  politeness  when  they  were  chatting  with  other  people.  It  is  so interesting if we know many languages that we can use to say a sense in the sentence.  It seems impressive if we can play other word to say that. The conversation can be concluded as art. Sometimes, we are forbidden to say what we want for some reasons if we live in the certain area, we should adapt the local language. Baca Juga: SKRIPSI  TENTANG CODE SWITCHING.
The interesting condition is how a sentence may contain various meaning from pragmatic view. The sentence always shows the context when the speaker says. Sometimes it is different if speaker considers in the sentence, so far as hearer knows what speaker want, it is no problem.
Language is the chief means by which people communicate. The use  of  language,  for  various  purposes,  is  governed  by  the conditions of society, in as much as these conditions determine the users’ access  to,  and  control  of,  their  communicative  means. (Mey,42) In pragmatics, the sentence is comprehended by the speaker meaning not in a sentence meaning (Levinson,1985:1 in Bambang Yudi Cahyono:1994:214). Bambang added that pragmatic is one of the studies that elaborate about deixis, presupposition, implicature, speech act, and components of language discourse (Samsuri, 1989/88:2 in Bambang Yudi Cahyono: 1994:214).
According to Geoffrey Leech, he mentioned that generally pragmatics is aimed to distinguish the study of the general conditions of communicative use of language, and to exclude more specific “local” condition on language use. (1991:10) From the Leech’s definition, we know that pragmatics is social language. The language is used by society in their community. They used to know their habit, with their habit and it does not matter for them. It is just further expressing their feeling. They do the things that they feel it better. Leech appended his opinion about the general use of pragmatics, it is  further  restricted  to  the  study linguistic  communication  in  terms  of conversational principle.
According to Austin, the sentences are not only utilized to utter something, to give direction to other, but also are utilized to do something actively (Bambang Yudi Cahyo, 1994:223). The sentences cannot be used to respond true or false statement. Sentence and utterance stated by Austin are called performatives. Moreover, Austin (Levinson, 1983:238 cited in Bambang Yudi Cahyono, 1194:224) classifies speech act to be three parts and the parts are implemented at the same time.
First, locutionary act is a locution a word or sentence based on meaning and the reference, sometimes is called speaker’s utterance. Second, illocutionary act is a statement, offering, promise, and other utterance or performatives expression directly, sometimes is called speaker’s intention. On the basis of Searle’s categories of illocution act, Searle defined to some parts. Third, perlocutionary act is an effect that is produced by hearer because utterance sentence and reaction from that, or sometimes  is  called  hearer’s reaction.  The  effect  such  as;  persuade, deceive, encourage, irritate, frighten, amuse, inspire, impress, distract, relieve tension, embarrass, attract attention, and bore.
These are some conversations which contain Searle’s type Speech Act:
a.   Representative
Hoffman: You cannot take this to Hani, right?
Ferris: Right. Right.
Hoffman: Does that mean you already have? Ferris: Yes, yes, sir. I have.
b.   Directives
Bassam: hey, hey. Listen to me. I’m not getting my head cut off on the internet. If something happens, shoot me. Will you shot me? Ferris: fuck that shit. I will shoot you right now.
Bassam: I’m not kidding.
c.   Commissives
Hoffman: You walk out on me, you know what that means.
Ferris: What does that mean?
Hoffman: That means you’re giving up on America.
d.   Expressive
Ferris: Hani Pasha.
Hani: pasha? That is an Ottoman term.
Ferris: well, I hear you like it, sir. Pleasure to meet you. Hani: welcome to our promising country.
Ferris: thank you, so much.
e.   Declaration
Ferris: It’s not working. I’m out.
Hoffman: Ferris? Ferris?
Responding from examples is the writer wants to analysis the last example; declaration part. Based on example, Ferris said that that’s was not working, he was out. It is not just he will not work with Hoffman again, but he won’t to be involved everything about the work.
The hidden meanings fold up the conversation every day, and it happens in “Body of Lies” movie too. There are so some cultures are in the movie, such as American, Jordanian, and Iraqis cultures. These countries  brought  their  cultures  to  their  life  so  that  different  cultures cannot be avoided. In addition, the cultures are very dissimilar between Western culture and Middle East. We know that if Obama’s County is exactly the same with freedom; freedom of giving opinion, but on the other hand Saddam’s Country is exactly the same with controlled. Baca Juga: SKRIPSI TENTANG INTERPERSONAL MAXIM
Accordingly, the movie is very interesting to know the interaction among American, Jordanian, and Iraqis in their daily conversation. How the Americans who came like as guest to respect the Iraqis and Jordanian who hosted the American. It is clear in their conversation in the movie how the American should be polite in the Middle East country and how they should be able to cooperate with the oil production society. Besides, ironic sentence is used to compare something that is not balanced and how they use the sentence in the movie; it is something new and attractive for us who know that they are very distinctive people.
Therefore, the researcher finds out and analyzes types of speech acts and Searle’s categories of illocutionary acts from “Body of Lies” movie throughout the research which is conducted with a title The Study Speech Acts the “Body of Lies” the Movie
B.  Problems of the study
From  the  “Body  of  Lies”  the  movie,  the  writer  got  two problems. They are:
a.   What are types of speech Act in the “Body of Lies” the movie?
b.   What are Searle’s Categories of Illocutionary Act in the “Body of Lies” the movie?


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