A Descriptive Study of Register Used in Ninja Preneur Facebook Group ~ ADITAMA SAPUTRA 707

Wednesday, 13 April 2016

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A Descriptive Study of Register Used in Ninja Preneur Facebook Group

Meilia  Aditya  (2012).  A  Descriptive  study  of  Register  used  in  Ninja Preneur Facebook Group Counselor: Faizal Risdianto, S.S, M.Hum.
Keywords:  NPFG,Register, Word Formation Process.

NinjaPreneur Facebook Group (NPFG) is the discussion group of entrepreneurship and Islamic issues, which has dedication to develop the spirit of entrepreneur. The discussion of this research is register used by NPFG when they have conversation in group. The purposes of this study were (1) Identify the kinds of register used in NPFG (2) Elaborate the meanings  and  the function  of particular  and  common  register used in NPFG.
The data of this study were analyzed using the theory of sociolinguistic especially register and the word formation process. The approach  used in  this  study is  a qualitative  approach  and  the tapping method  was  used  in  data  collection.  NPFG  vocabulary  items  can  be divided into 1. Word, 2. Blending words, 3. Abbreviation, 4. Acronym 5. Clipped, 6. Code switching and 6. Code mixing. Each of these forms is classified into several categories based on the form of word. It was found that there is a word implies a negative connotation that usually to mock or ridicule but it is only for joke but almost all the words have positive meaning.


The need for rapid information and communication make people faster in their thinking, innovating and creating easy things in technology. The development of information and communication technology has shown its identity in human civilization. Certainly, it cannot be denied that the role of information technology has a significant value of economic and it provides progress from day to day. The fastest technological advance and most influential inventions of technology is internet. The Internet allows people to communicate and find information quickly and it so efficiency in the use, especially in saving time and cost. It becomes a popular information media. Internet is stands for (Interconnected Computer Networks) or an infinite Networking,  the  connecting  computer  users  to  other  computers  in  many regions  across  the  world,  where  in  the  network  has  a  wide  range  of information and facilities to browsing in virtual world or known as the term “online”.  Baca Juga : SKRIPSI TENTANG ANALYSIS THEME

There are so many people around the world interact only through it because internet provides many sites which can be used to chat. It is more interesting, that internet allows the users by providing a site for chat like Facebook. The social network that allows users to add profiles with photos, contacts, information or other personal identity and provide space for status update and comment. It is the most well-known social network which almost used by people around the world. The site which created by Mark  Zuckerberg  in  2004  is  full  of  features  that  could  satisfy the  users.


Picture 1. Facebook Log In

People  who  have  similar  interest  or  hobby,  they  could  make  a community or group on it. Surely, this makes that site more attractive. They are able to interact with same interests using the language which only known by the member of group. The language is sometimes eccentric, strange and tends to tacky but such a prank in a conversation or like ice breaker‟ when the situation started too serious. The Facebook user is called Facebooker. They often use colloquial language in communicating. They also use several languages,  such  as  Indonesian,  English,  regional  language  and  some  new terms or words. It could found in teenager communities or groups.  Baca Juga : SKRIPSI ABOUT VOCABULARY

One group of interesting which make the writers interested to study the variety of language is Ninja Preneur Facebook Group (NPFG). It is a Muslim community who has high motivation and dedication to the advancement life of entrepreneur spirit.  It is  quote from the info contained in the  NPFG is a community for Muslim entrepreneurs, entrepreneurs' candidate business owners and the people who interact with them. Motivation and tips for entrepreneurs. The members not only mature people but also very creative teenager with their idea.


Picture 2. Ninja Preneur Facebook Group Profile

They make some words then they popularize it into the group. Let us see when NPFG members posted a status or giving comments on the group wall .

Sigied Himawan commented on post. July 25 at 11:38am blm! tapi kalo merasa kadir dan kirun pelnahh (Not yet, but I ever feel kadir and kirun)
Insan Agung commented on post July 24 at 8:41am ngestinoh detected, so must be blocked. (Ngestinoh was detected, so it must be blocked)
That‟s two examples of words used in NPFG comments. Surely, the people who not include the group do not understand the words they used. The really have difficulty to interpret the feeling of kadir and kirun that Sigied means as well as ngestinoh word. Those words would make the people so curious. Therefore, the writer tries to examine and elaborate the meaning of those utterances. That‟s why the writer takes A DESCRIPTIVE STUDY OF REGISTER USED IN NINJAPRENEUR FACEBOOK GROUP as the title for thesis research.

B.  Problem of Study

In order to specify the topic discussed, the writer would like to formulate   the problem as follow:
1.   What kinds of registers are used in Ninja NPFG?

2.   What are the meanings and the function of particular and common register that used in NPFG?


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