The Analysis of Speech Act in "Air Force One" Movie Script ~ ADITAMA SAPUTRA 707

Tuesday, 12 April 2016

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The Analysis of Speech Act in "Air Force One" Movie Script

Speech act and Air force one

Zumaroh, Siti. 2012. The analyis of Speech Act in “Air Force One” movie script. Graduating Paper. English Department of educational Faculty State Intitute for Islamic Studies (STAIN) Salatiga. Consultant: Setia Rini, M. Pd
This study is mainly aimed to describe the speech acts form of the utterance among the character in Air Force One movie script. The researcher uses a descriptive qualitative method to classifying and analyzing the utterance. After investigating the utterance in this script, the writer found several findings on it.
First, the utterances in this script can be analyzed in speech act types. Speech act itself has two main form; directness and literalness. Directness is about the syntactical form and the literalness about the meaning appropriate or not with the utterance. Second, those utterances also can be investigated according to the Searle‟s category of illocutionary acts. The categories are representatives, directives,  commisives,  expressive,  and  declaratives.  The  main  reason  people study about speech acts is to understanding what people means when they make utterances and to decrease miss understanding about the meaning.

A.   Background of Study
Every person believes that communication makes us exist in life. This communication becomes main part in their life. Human uses language as the way  to   communicate.   Language  makes   people  enable  to   have   more interaction with others to convey their ideas, feelings, or thoughts. The communications that happened around people must be said clearly so that others understand us.  It  means that someone says   appropriately and  the message accepted by someone who talk with us.
Common people make communication unstructured. This is not become problem because the most important of that is their speech can be understood and accepted by others. It is equally with the argument of Parker (1986:12) that what people have to do in communication is how they use language to communicate rather than the way of language is structured internally. Like what George Yule (1996:47) said that in the effort to express and asserting himself, people not only produce grammatical structure sentences but they also produce or show actions in that language. Baca Juga: SKRIPSI TENTANG FLOUTING MAXIM
Language reflects not only  in oral communication, but also in written, such as in magazine, newspaper, letters and others kinds includes manuscript on some documents in movie or history. Many people like watching movie, but according to me not all of them understand about the form or the function of language that used there. Sometimes, they don‟t care about the form or the functions of communication used in the movie. Common people believes that the important is the story interest or not; or they watch film because of the actors or actress who plays in that movie.
Actually  from  a  movie,  we  can  learn  another  subject  when  we watched it. We can learn about the educational, moral or others value that implied there, or about the acting of the actors or actress includes of the social relations or the language and the dialogue or utterance they use, or learn about the literary elements in the movie. Those studies are the branch of interdisciplinary sciences such as pragmatics, sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, and others. Both of those interdisciplinary sciences can help us understand about the language inside the conversation or inside the movie story.
In this occasion, the writer will investigate the script from a movie. The writer makes decision to discuss the utterance or the sentences that used with one of linguistics study, speech act. Austin (1975) says that an analysis of an utterance that we perform/ produce at every speech called as speech act. It is an act that a speaker performs at making speech. Speech Act perform when  people  makes  utterance  such  as  an  apology,  greeting,  request, complaint,   invitation,  compliment,   or  refusal.   Studying   speech   act   is important to make us comprehend what message that undiscovered in every utterance.  Speech  act  also  decided  by the  language  ability of  speaker  to convey the message in communication. According to Parker (1986:16) speech acts are highly delicate to the context of the utterances in particular to the relationship between the speaker and the hearer. We can study this speech act at many fields of studies that concern about this issue such as pragmatics and sociolinguistics, although in different point of discussion.
Pragmatics  is  closely  related  terms  in  language  study.  Pragmatics refers to meaning construction in specific interactional context, it also cite to the study of meaning in use or meaning in interaction (Louise Mullany, 2010: 10). In other words, at pragmatics we study about the meaning of the context between the speaker and the hearer and also the meaning of their communication. Pragmatics studies meaning in relation to speech situation (Leech, 1983: 6). In Yule words, with pragmatics, people can talk people‟s intended meanings, their assumption, their purposes or goals, and the kinds of action that they are performing when they are speak (Yule, 1996: 4).
Others in sociolinguistics, it more studies about the implication between  the  languages  itself  with  the  impact  to  society.  Janet  Holmes (1992:1) writes that sociolinguistics learns about the relationship between language and society. They are interested in explaining why we speak differently in different social context and the social functions of language and also the social meaning (Janet Holmes,  1992: 1). Both of pragmatic and sociolinguistic  concern  on  linguistic  meaning  as  determined  in  a  speech community, which includes the linguistic act that involved speech act as the basic of linguistic communication (Searle, 1969: 16).
In this case, the writer will explain that this study focuses on analyzing the types of speech act and the illocutionary act/ forces in every utterance or the sentences which are used the actors and actress in movie script entitles “Air Force One”. This movie told about US President‟s, Marshall fight Russian terrorist that hijack air force one. This Presidency plane, Air Force One brings president of US James Marshall (Harrison Ford), his family, crew and journalist from Kazakhstan back to United States. But there are terrorists that treat like journalist, it lead by Ivan Kurshunov (Gary Oldman) they want to their leader General Ivan Radek (Jurgen Prochnow) to be freed up. They hostage all of the passenger, Marshall tried to free up them and defeat the terrorist. Baca Juga: SKRIPSI TENTANG WRITING ABILITY
Therefore, the researcher looks for and analyzes the speech acts and the illocution force/types from the „Air Force One‟  script. The writer gave this research title is “THE ANALYSIS OF SPEECH ACT USED IN THE AIR FORCE ONE MOVIE SCRIPT.”
B.   Problem of the study
1.   What kinds of speech acts are used in “Air Force One” movie script?
2.   What are the illocutionary forces/ types in “Air Force One” movie
      script based on Searle category?
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