Speech Acts Analysis on Teaching and Learning Process ~ ADITAMA SAPUTRA 707

Monday, 11 April 2016

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Speech Acts Analysis on Teaching and Learning Process

SpeechActs Analysis on Teaching and Learning Process in the Regular Classes Used by theLecturers of the Sixth Semester in English Department of STAIN Salatiga

speeech act analysis on teaching and learning proccess
The aims of this research are to find out the illocutionary and perlocutionary acts uttered by the lecturers, the kinds of speech acts uttered by the lecturers seen from the types of the general function and from the relationship between the function and the structure of the sentences (direct-indirect speech acts), and the illocutionary force of the lecturers‟ speech acts towards the students‟ responses in the lecturing process. This research is descriptive qualitative research that is conducted in STAIN Salatiga by applying speech acts theories. The subject of this research is nine English lecturers of the sixth semester in English Department of STAIN Salatiga.
The results of the study show that from 343 utterances, 108 of them are identified as rogatives, 114 directives, 17 commissives, 76 representatives, and 24 expressives. It means that 31.86%  of  them  are  rogatives,  33.63%  are  directives,  5.01%  are  commissives, 22.42% are representatives, and the rest 7.08% are expressives. All of those types of speech acts are performed both directly and indirectly, except representatives. From the research it is found that representatives can only performed directly. The further finding of the research is that there are 21 types of illocutionary acts and 18 types of perlocutionary acts  from the classification  of speech  acts.  From  the relationship between the lecturers‟ speech acts and the students‟ responses, it is found that most of the lecturers‟ utterances are responded appropriately by the students.


This chapter presents the introductory elements of the research that are described the importance of understanding the use of speech acts in the communication, especially in the process of transferring knowledge from the lecturer to the students.
A.  Background of Study
Communication is the key point in the social activities, especially in the teaching and learning process. In lecturing process, communication between the lecturer and the students also regarded as the important element to perform an effective  learning.
In  communicating  with  the  students,  the  lecturers  will produce some utterances in order to convey the materials through their speech. In this typical situation of speech that involves the lecturer as the speaker and the students as the hearers, the acts of the lecturer‟s utterances are varied (Bach,1994:1). Such acts of speech in communication are further called speech acts, which are defined as the acts of speech of the speaker in the relationship to the hearers. It is not only the matter of the words which are uttered by the speaker, but it also relates to the speaker‟s intentions to the hearers (Bach, 1994:1). Baca Juga: Skripsi Logico Semantic.
All of the explanations above are the writer‟s intention in order to find out the types of speech acts that are used by the lecturers in their lecturing process.  Speech  acts  are  communicative  activities  refer  to  the  intention  of speakers and the effect achieved on the listeners. Therefore, when the writer studies the intention of speech acts used by the lecturers as the speakers, it will also used to find out the effects achieved by the students as the listeners at once. It is also beneficial to discover the types of speech acts used by the lecturers in the teaching and learning process. When the lecturers conduct the lecturing  process,  they  have  some  intentions  in  their  speech,  directly  or indirectly, and literal or non-literally spoken in their words. For that reason, the writer wants to dig into the lecturers‟ intention in their lecturing from their speech acts.
It will be continued in the further information about the illocutionary force of speech acts implementation towards the students‟ intention. So that it will relate to the students‟ responses in accepting the materials given by the lecturers. If the students comprehend what their lecturer‟s say, it means that the use of the speech acts is effective, i.e has no speech acts failure, although the intentions conveyed indirectly and non-literally.
By knowing this relationship, hopefully it will help the lecturers find out the implementation of speech acts that are used in their lecturing; so that the writer will not only find out the type of speech acts that is commonly used by the lecturers but also to discover the illocutionary force of the use of the lecturers‟ speech acts in the relation with the students‟ responses.
For that reason, the writer intend to study a problem dealing with the lecturers‟ speech  acts  entitled  Speech Acts Analysis on Teaching and Learning Process in the Regular Classes Used by the Lecturers of the Sixth Semester in English Department of STAIN Salatiga”. Baca Juga: Skripsi Anaysis of Generic Structure.
B.  Statement of the Problems
The problems that are going to be discussed in this research paper can be stated as follows:
1.   What  are  the  illocutionary  acts  and  perlocutionary  acts  uttered  by  the lecturers of the sixth semester in English Department of STAIN Salatiga in the lecturing process?
2.  What kinds of speech acts uttered by the lecturers seen from the types of the general function and from the relationship between the function and the structure of the sentences (direct - indirect speech acts)?
3.   How is the illocutionary force of the lecturers‟  speech acts towards the
students‟ responses in the lecturing process?
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