A Study of Register Used in Health Articles Issued by Suara Merdeka in June 2012 ~ ADITAMA SAPUTRA 707

Wednesday, 13 April 2016

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A Study of Register Used in Health Articles Issued by Suara Merdeka in June 2012

Zulida rahmawati is the Reseacher of this graduating paper. She composed the research entitled "A Study of English Register Used In Health Articles Issued By Suara Merdeka in June 2012". This reseach discussed about the form Register in health article issued by Suara Merdeka newspaper in June 2012. Focussing on the problem  statement,  there  are  two  cases.  They  are  what  kinds  of  the  word formation through of the morphological process of the register used in that article issued by suara merdeka newspaper in june 2012 and what are  the meaning of the register used in health articles by Suara Merdeka in june 2012.
This research use descriptive qualitative method. In the conducting the study the writer used documentation method for collecting data. Firstly she classifies the register contained in the health article then she write down the vocabulary. The tecnique of analysis data in this study is by classifying them in the each form, analyzed the word formation through the morphological processand finding out the original meaning of each vocabulary. This study shown that there were three forms of the register: there are words and phrases.
Key word : Register, Health Article, Suara Merdeka Newspaper.

A.  Background of the Study
Language is an essential aspect of human life. It is used to interact an as medium of communication. Discussing about language, surely it is related to the society for examples: slang, dialects, code-mixing, register etc. People always make different language variations according to the setting, place, situation, and place. Concerning situation for example, there are formal and informal language. They belong to sociolinguistic phenomena. Formal language is used in a specific event that regarded as a formal situation likes school circumstances, office meetings, speeches, wedding parties etc. Meanwhile informal language is used in informal situation. Usually it is expressed more relax and flexible events. Baca Juga: SKRIPSI ABOUT SPEAKING ABLITY.
In   language   variation,   people   utilize   specific   vocabularies associated with different occupational group to describe the language, in which only certain group to describe people to understand about it. In addition, in their communication to a particular person the communication sometimes does not only use a standard language which is easy to be understood by other people but also the register which is clearly only a particular  group.  To  make  communication  fluent,  people  also  need  to know register of particular field which they frequently use their communication.
Holmes  argues  that  register  means  the  language  of  groups  of people with common interest or jobs or language used in situation associated with such particular group ((Holmes, 1992: 246). Wardhaugh said  the  registers  are  set  of  vocabulary items  associated  with  discrete occupation or social groups (Wardhaugh, 1997: 40). Morever, the expression is understood by community itself, although we sometimes are also able to know the meaning of the expression used. The term  show us that register is a feature of language that has a special usage dealing with the society.
People communicate among others because they also want to know about information of the day or everything that is going on, not only the information about what happens with their relatives, friends, but also information about everything that happens in their environment or their countries even, they want to know about what happens in other countries. In short, people want to know everything. Of course people look for information not only from other people but also from other technological source. They are a lot of information technologies that are variable now, for example, book, magazine, newspaper, television, cellular phone and also internet.
Newspaper is one the source of information. Many events around the world can be known through the newspaper. One of the functions of it is to provide information. In fact, we may now everything which happens in the world through newspaper. After reading the newspaper there is a lot of information that can be accessed. Suara merdeka is one of the newspapers which can be found in Indonesia. Baca Juga: SKRIPSI ABOUT THEME ANALYSIS.
There are many kinds of information categories issued in the newspaper. One of them talks about health. In June 2012, for instance it overviewed about the health in Indonesia. For this reason, Indonesian people further understanding of it. Therefore not all people understand about the words used in health article, for example the words are “Hydrocephalus, Mikrovaskular, Diuretic, and Placebo”. To be familiar with the terms used, it is important to conduct a research dealing with the investigation of them, the writer is interested to analyze and to know the meaning of the registers in health article.
Therefore, the writer conducts a research entitled: A STUDY OF REGISTER USED IN HEALTH ARTICLES ISSUED BY  SUARA MERDEKA IN JUNE 2012.
B.  Problems Statement
Based the topic discussed in the following, the writer finally would like to explain the problems as follow:
1.   What are the kinds of the word formation through the morphological process of register  that used in health articles issued by Suara Merdeka in June 2012?
2.   What are the meaning of the registers used in health articles issued by Suara Merdeka in June 2012?
3.   What are the pedagogical implications for English language teaching?

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