The Analysis of Register Used by Drivers, Kondektur, and Passengers in Two Ways Direction ~ ADITAMA SAPUTRA 707

Wednesday, 13 April 2016

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The Analysis of Register Used by Drivers, Kondektur, and Passengers in Two Ways Direction


Analysis Register

Khusna, Nazilatul.2012: “THE ANALYSIS OF REGISTER USED BY DRIVERS, KONDEKTUR,  AND  PASSENGERS  IN  TWO  WAYS  DIRECTION  IN  TWO WAYS DIRECTION BUSES PENGGARON-PURWODADI.”. Graduating Paper. Tarbiyah Faculty. English Major. State Institute for Islamic Studies. Consultant: Mrs. Setia Rini, M,Pd.,

This research is about the language of drivers‟, kondektur‟ and passengers‟ register in two ways direction buses Penggaron-Purwodadi. Focusing on the problem statements, there are three cases in this study. They are what are the meaning of register used by drivers,  kondektur,  and  passengers in  two  ways  direction  buses Penggaron-Purwodadi, what are the situational characteristics of register used by drivers,  kondektur,   and  passengers  in  two   ways  direction  buses  Penggaron- Purwodadi, and what are the linguistic characteristics of register used by drivers, kondektur, and passengers in two ways direction buses Penggaron-Purwodadi? This research used descriptive qualitative approach that applied observation, interview, and documentation methods to collect the data.
The writer analyzed the data based on the lexical meaning and the conceptual meaning of the register taken from buses transportation in Penggaron-Purwodadi. The study shows that there are three components of register namely field, tenor, and mode. Field include social functions such as to offer of operating vehicles and to make the expression be more effective and efficient and the sequences of interaction like the describing the situation in bus. At the level of tenor, the participants who take roles as  drivers,  kondektur, and passengers certain relationships which is influenced by their power and the frequency of  the  contact.  Mode  covers  the  channel,  the  medium,  and  the  purpose  of  the utterance. This study also finds the forms of register such as word, phrase, and sentences. At the level of word are formed by some ways namely compounding, blending, clipping, borrowing, coinage, abbreviation and acronym. Word classes are noun, verb, adjective, and adverb. At the level of phrase are noun phrase, verb phrase, adjective phrase, and adverbial phrase. It is also characterized by the use of many kinds of sentences such as declarative sentence, imperative sentence, interrogative sentence, and exclamatory sentence.

A.   Background of the Study
Akbar bus is one of the public transportation in Penggaron bus station. Usually, the bus transportation consists of drivers, kondektur, and passengers. A bus driver is someone who drives a vehicle that always visible in the bus station. A  bus  kondektur  is  the  person  who  asks  money  to  the  passengers.  A  bus passenger  is  person being  conveyed  by bus,  member of  a  team  who  is  not effective work. Many people use bus because it is easy to find, cheap, fast, and comfort in driving, especially in two ways direction buses Penggaron-Purwodadi. It passes three regions like Gubug, Godong, and Penawangan. This research chooses of non AC buses, for example Djaka Tarub, Panuntun, Akbar, Saturday, Fajar, Chelsea, Golden Boy. These buses often ngetem (stop to wait passenger) in Penggaron Bus Station, Gubug T-intersection, and Godong Market. Baca Juga: Skripsi Inspiration Article (Dialogue Frame).
To communicate each other or to share experience, knowledge, skill, and information, people will use certain language based on the scope. Likewise, language which used by crews of buses in Penggaron-Purwodadi. Language is one of means communication that used in conversation with other people. It is impossible to conduct social cooperation and communication without language. According to Wardhaugh language is what the members of all particular society speak (1922: 1). Language used to communicate by crews in bus different with language in our daily activity. Variety language is a term often used shows one of the many variations that used in language. Hudson in Wardaugh (1992: 22) defines a variety of language as a set of linguistic items with similar distribution. Meanwhile, Nababan (1995:4) state that a variety of language depends on the situation language. Thus, the variation language is term to indicate an appropriate form of diversity language with differences the usage includes language situation such as the speaker, hearer, message, and media.
The language used by drivers, kondektur, and passengers in two ways direction  buses  Penggaron-Purwodadi  has  a  special  characteristic.  It  can  be clearly seen if we compare it with the other kinds of language (Register). The language and its speaker are influenced by not only linguistic factors but also non-linguistic ones. The linguistic factor is the language itself. Meanwhile, the non-linguistic factor is social and situational factor. The social factors are status, education, gender, economic background, etc. Moreover, according to Fishman in Chaer & Agustina (2004: 9), the situational factors are who speak, what language, to whom, when and to what end. It means the situational factors consist of setting of place, setting of time, various events, physical environment etc.
Others use term “Register” more narrowly to describe the specific vocabulary associated with different occupational groups. Likewise the language used by bricklayers, butchers, carpenter, dentist, doctors, and linguistics all adopt specialized terminology to express shared meanings concisely and precisely. It means that the language used by one job-related group is quite different from the language of others. The use of language related to one’s occupation is called register. Register  is  the  specific  vocabulary associated  with  different occupational groups (Holmes, 2001: 246). The term register describes the language of groups of people with common interests or jobs, or the language used in situations associated with such group.   The term of register is closely described occupational group. Register in the other definition are distinguished from style, tend to be associated with particular groups of people or sometimes specific situation of use. Related to this definition, the language in bus used by driver, kondektur and passenger will show certain vocabulary that have different meaning if it is used in different situation.
The writer takes setting in buses Penggaron- Purwodadi because the using of language that applied does not have complete structure. The interaction was done among driver, kondektur, and passenger more efficient and effective. As a result, the expression may be not understood by the other community. For example, the word of gunting „ scissors‟ in general means a tool that use to cut something  but  in  bus  it  is  used  for  internal  communication  bus  crew.  For example  the  driver  reminded  kondektur  to  ask  for  the  money  from  the passengers. Baca Juga: Analysis of Grammatical Cohesion.
The language features which develop as characteristics of a register are clearly functionally motivated. The demands of the particular context in which the language is used determined its form. In a specific scope, the language has function to keep secret from other people or to hide the speaker‟s intention, to make the expression more efficient, and to save speaker’s energy.
From this research, the writer analyses  for register used by drivers, kondektur, and passengers in two ways direction buses Penggaron-Purwodadi which covers the description of the situational characteristics and the linguistics characteristics. For that reason, she is interested in conducting a research which is entitled “THE ANALYSIS OF REGISTER USED BY DRIVERS, KONDEKTUR, AND PASSENGERS IN TWO WAYS DIRECTION BUSES PENGGARON-PURWODADI”.
B.   Statement of the Problem
In order to make clear the research purpose, the writer formulates the problems as follow:
1. What  are  the  meaning  of  register  used  by  drivers,  kondektur,  and passengers in two ways direction buses Penggaron-Purwodadi?
2. What  are  the  situational  characteristics  of  register  used  by  drivers, kondektur, and passengers in two ways direction buses Penggaron- Purwodadi?
3. What  are  the  linguistic  characteristics  of  register  used  by  drivers, kondektur, and passengers in two ways direction buses Penggaron- Purwodadi?

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