The Vocabulary Mastery of the Elementary Level Students of the Center of English Language Learning (CELL) Course Taught by Using Interactive Power Point Games ~ ADITAMA SAPUTRA 707

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The Vocabulary Mastery of the Elementary Level Students of the Center of English Language Learning (CELL) Course Taught by Using Interactive Power Point Games


Wijayanti, Dwi. 2013. The Vocabulary Mastery of the Elementary Level Students of the Center of English Language Learning (CELL) Course Pati in Academic Year 2012/2013 Taught by Using Interactive Power Point Games. Skripsi: English Education Department, Teacher Training and Education Faculty, Muria Kudus University. Advisors: (1) Drs. Muh. Syafei, M.Pd, (2) Mutohhar, S.Pd, M.Pd 

Keywords: Vocabulary Mastery, Interactive Power Point Games

            English as International language is used in many countries in the world and it has an important role to the information progress in many sectors especially in education. Realizing the importance of English, our government states that English must be taught since at elementary level until university. They are expected to master four skills. They are listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Besides that, vocabulary is one of important factor in learning English. Vocabulary is one of the components of language. Without a sufficient language, one cannot communicate or express his/her idea both oral and written form. Meanwhile, the elementary level students of CELL course Pati in the academic year 2012/2013 still have difficulties to memorize the vocabulary and they also felt bored when doing same activities in every meeting. Interactive Power Point Games is one of ways that can be used to overcome the problem. It can increase the students’ English vocabulary and motivate the students to learn, because by using Interactive Power Point Games, the students get happiness, avoid the students’ boredom, and help the students to memorize the vocabulary easily. Therefore, the writer uses Interactive Power Point Games in teaching English vocabulary. 
            The objective of this research is to find out whether there is a significant different between the vocabulary mastery of the elementary level students of the Center of English Language Learning (CELL) course Pati in academic year 2012/2013 before and after being taught by using Interactive Power Point Games.
            In this research, the writer used quasi-experimental research as a design of the research. The population of this research is the whole of the elementary level students of the Center of English Language Learning (CELL) course Pati in academic year 2012/2013. The sample of this research is “A Class” that consists of 15 students. The research instrument that is used by the writer is test (multiple choice tests with 30 items) by giving pre-test and post-test.
The result of this research shows that t (obtained) value is 16.9. In the level of significance (α) = 0.05 and degree of freedom (df) = N-1 = 15-1 =14, the t (critical) is ± 2.145, so the result of t (obtained) or (t0) is higher than t(critical) or (tt) and it shows there is a significant difference between the vocabulary mastery of the elementary level students of the Center of English Language Learning (CELL) course Pati in academic year 2012/2013 before and after being taught by using Interactive Power Point Games.
Based on the research result above, the writer concludes that Interactive Power Point Games is appropriate in teaching vocabulary of the elementary level students of the Center of English Language Learning (CELL) course Pati in academic year 2012/2013. For the English teacher and the other researcher, Interactive Power Point Games can be applied as a technique in teaching and learning process.


        This chapter discusses background of the research, statement of the problems, objective of the research, significance of the research, scope of the research, and operational definitions.
1.1  Background of the Research
        The increasing need of life caused by developing era demands the global society to enhance their human resources quality in order to compete to the other countries. In responding this situation, the role of communication has become a part that cannot be separated from this condition. Language is a means of communication used by human in order to be able to communicate with each other. There are millions of languages used in millions countries. Each country has its native language, but many of them have also one more languages used as their second or foreign languages. However, there is a language that can be used in any countries, and that is English. English has become very powerful languages in the world, it becomes one of international languages, and most global community use English as a media of communication with another.
        According to Talebinezhad and Aliakbari (2001:1) said that English as an International Language referred to the use of English by people of different nations in order to communicate with one another. As the important of English in communication, it is not something difficult to see that the language is frequently used either to formal and informal places such as foreign companies, embassy office, tourism sector and many other places. Different from Singapore and Malaysia, they put English as their second language as their language communication while Indonesia put English as its foreign language. Only few Indonesians master of it, most of them tend to ignore it. They use to think that foreign language is not something useful for their daily life and learn of it only waste of time.
        However, nowadays, the assumption is gradually scraped off by the developing era that demands the society to be more competitive and to be able to enhance their human resources quality. Therefore, the role of English is needed to face the era of globalization, where it will be many new things happen in our nation. Since English recently is treated as foreign and important language for
Indonesian, it has a major portion in Indonesian educational system and become a compulsory subject to study either in junior or senior high schools in today’s Indonesian educational system. Schutz (2010:1) said that English in its role as a global language that it has become one of the most important academic and professional tools. The English language is recognized as undoubtedly the most important language for the increasingly mobile international community to learn. This is a fact that seemed to be irreversible. English has become the official language of the business and scientific worlds.
        The massive trend of learning English is not without a reason. The development of the country’s economy, science and technology that tend to be influenced by many English speaking countries has put people who understand English in more advantageous position, especially in job finding. Many Indonesian people start to believe that English will help them so much in finding a job than those who do not. As the most important foreign language in Indonesia, English become one of the compulsory subjects taught in junior high school, senior high school and some semesters at university. As the result, the government always makes effort to improve the quality of English teaching. By improving the teachers’ quality and other components involved in educational process, the English teaching in Indonesia improve time to time. By applying the foreign language to early level (elementary school students), the students’ language mastery is expected to be satisfactory although it is only in simple English. As the writer knows, since English mostly became difficult subject, it handicapped them (students in any level) all the time whenever they do an English test, this condition   certainly affect to their result of study. Some of the same teaching styles make students bored. In teaching a language, teachers might realize that they cannot apply only one or two strategies to all levels. In reverse, they are required to be able to recognize the characters of their students and to select an appropriate teaching technique to them. It is not something different from teaching English to elementary school students, the teacher is supposed to know that children is so closed with something fun and enjoyable.
        So whenever they teach, they have to be selective in choosing a technique of teaching to introduce a learning material. A good teaching technique   automatically facilitates them to get students’ interest in learning process. To improve the English educational system, the government has been seeking to a system which is really in line with the students’ need. In this case the teaching process can be started from earliest step, by using simple things without trying to introduce language components explicitly before they are really ready.  After all of the material of the pre-level are clearly taught and understood. The language components can be little by little involved in their study as a continuity of their learning, such as phonology, spelling, structure and vocabulary. As the writer knows that those components cannot properly be separated that it because they are related among one to the other components.
        One of the most important language components is vocabulary. The mastery of it will be very helpful when one is learning foreign language having a great mastery on it; it also facilitates them to comprehend the subject learn in which it is in English. As the writer concludes that the quality of one’s language skill depend on the quality and the quantity of vocabulary mastered, the more they master the vocabulary means better they use the language skill.
        But in fact, based on the writer’s experience when the writer did teaching in Center of English Language Learning (CELL) course Pati, the writer found some students still difficult to remember the vocabulary from previous meeting. They also felt bored when doing same activity in every meeting. After the students had learned the material each unit, the students answered the question from exercising book. From the exercising session, there were some students could not answer the questions correctly. And from summative test, the average score of the students was 6.5. This score is still low for the student who joining in the course. The student’s score in the course must higher than their score in the formal school. When their result in the course is good, their score in their formal school is also good.      
        Nowadays, technology develops rapidly. In our daily lives, technology is used in many things such as communication, learning, etc. English not only use to communicate each other but also as notification on many things, such as machinery devices, computers, and etc. Computer cannot separate form our daily activities because we can get so many advantages from it. We can communicate with other people around the world using computer which is connected to internet or we can use computer to help us to finish our job in office and many more advantages. In other words, we can do many things when we using computer.
        Computer is one of media that use in teaching learning process. In fact, there are many computer programs which can be used as media such as macromedia flash, macromedia swish max, power point, and etc. In power point program, we can make interactive games to help in teaching learning process. And nowadays, there are so many appropriate games online in internet. When we are using one of those computer programs, we can conduct the material and motivate the students to learn more actively as well. It increases the students’ vocabulary mastery to learn much more and make them more active. This study presents a vocabulary teaching technique to elementary school students. In which it is going to be very pleasant and interesting for young learners.
        Interactive Power Point Games are interactive games that can be used to help students increase their recall of certain facts, procedures, rules, associations, or formulas. Interactive Power Point Games display game audiovisual. Interactive Power Point Games can also be used as open-ended prompts to evoke higher level thinking in students or as invitations for a lively classroom discussion. By providing Interactive Power Point Games as a technique in teaching vocabulary to elementary school students, the writer hopes that it makes them felt something pleasant and felt it different from what they use to get in the class in formal school. The use of games stimulates them to be more active and it is really match with the students’ world where pre-level students like to study through movement. By the activity, they are given an opportunity to express their mind, emotion, feeling and attitudes when they are involved in it.
        Based on the background above, the writer is eager to do a research entitle ”The Vocabulary Mastery of the Elementary Level Students of the Center of English Language Learning (CELL) Course Pati in Academic Year 2012/2013 Taught by Using Interactive Power Point Games”.

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