Improving the Students’ Mastery of English Vocabulary by using chain drawing strategy ~ ADITAMA SAPUTRA 707

Thursday 17 March 2016

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Improving the Students’ Mastery of English Vocabulary by using chain drawing strategy


Purwanto, Mochamad Dwi. 2012. Improving the Students’ Mastery of English Vocabulary by using chain drawing strategy (an action research in the case of the fourth grade students of SD Muhammadiyah 1 Kudus in the academic year 2012/2013. Skripsi. English Education Department, Teacher Training and Education Faculty, Muria Kudus University. Advisor: (i) Fajar kartika, SS, M.Hum. (i) Dr. H. A. Hilal Madjdi, M.Pd.

Keywords: Vocabulary, Chain drawing.
Vocabulary is knowledge of words and word meanings. It is one of four language components that most important and cannot be separated from each other in language learning process.
 In this final project, the writer wants to know the improvement of the students’ mastery of English vocabulary of the fourth grade students of SD Muhammadiyah 1 Kudusin academic year 2012/2013 by using chain drawing strategy.
            There is a basic problem that the writer wants to discuss, that is: can chain drawing improve the students’ mastery of English vocabuary of the fourth grade students of SD Muhammadiyah 1 Kudus in the academic year 2012/2013? In teaching English, the writer uses chain drawing strategy. Chain drawingan activitythat recycles vocabulary and involves some elements of fun.
            The objective of the study is to improve the students’ mastery of English vocabulary by using chain drawing strategy. This research will give some useful and advantages for students in teaching learning process. The students will be more active and creative in teaching learning process.
            This research was conducted SD Muhammadiyah 1 Kudus. The writer used a classroom action research with 29 students (17male students and 12 female students)of IV C as the subject of this research. This research consisted of 3 cycles and each cycle consits of planning, action, obsevation, and reflection.
            The instruments of the research were by using tests and observations.Tests were used to measure the improvement of the students’ vocabulary masteryand observations were used to know students’ and teacher’s activitiesin teaching English by using chain drawing strategy.Based on the data analysisduring 3 cycles. The writer concludes that there is an increase in students’ mastery of English vocabulary. The result of the test shows that students’ score in cycle I was72.5. In cycle II, the result of test was76.55, it means there was an increase. The result of test in cycle III was80.52, so the writer concludes that chain drawing can improve the students’ mastery of English vocabulary.
            Because the research was successful, the writer suggests the teacher uses chain drawing as teaching strategy. It can make the students more active and creative in teaching learning process.


This chapter discusses about Background of the Research, Statement of the Problem, Objective of the Research, Significance of the Research, Limitation of the Research, and Operational Definition.
1.1 Background of the Research
Vocabulary is one of the four language components that are very important for the students and very crucial in language learning, because it is the basic process in studying English. The students cannot say or write everything in English without knowing English vocabulary, so they should be mastered before they learn English more.
Teaching English in Elementary school is aimed to prepare the students from the basic level of education (Elementary school) before they study English in higher level (Junior high school and Senior high school). It is purposed to know them about English earlier so they will be easer in mastering English. Therefore, the main reason of teaching English in Elementary school is to give a lot of knowledge about vocabulary so the students do not find many difficulties when they will continue their study to higher level of education. General priority of teaching English in Elementary school is to make students understand about names of things and add some new vocabularies, examples: things around us, number, color,  part of body, family, and others.

Teaching English in SD Muhammadiyah 1 Kudus is started from class I to VI. The researcher chooses the fourth grade students of SD Muhammadiyah 1 Kudus as the subject of the research because the mastery of the fourth grade students are still less and several students have some problems in remembering the meaning of words, writing the words, and also spelling the words. Examples, in the teaching learning process, some students understand the meaning of words but they can not write the words correctly and when they can write the words correctly, they still have difficulties in pronounce the words. 
Teaching Elementary school students is not easy work because they are categorized as young learners that have different cateristics. The teacher must be active and creative in teaching learning process. They usually consist of students at the age of 6 to 12 years old, where the element of fun becomes an important part of their world.  So, the students need interesting teaching in the class that can make them happy and fun in the teaching learning process and it could be supported by the appropriate teaching strategy of the teacher. Interesting teaching strategy can increase their ability and skill in English. Appropriate teaching strategy is very important in teaching vocabulary for Elementary school students, especially in SD Muhammadiyah 1 Kudus.
According to Kevin Maroney in his article that the researcher accessed from internet said that a game is a form of play with the goals and structure. The other sources in said Game is structured activity, usually undertaken for enjoyable and sometimes used as an educational tool. Based on the statements above, the researcher concludes that game is an activity with the goal to give enjoyment in teaching and learning process between teacher and students. It is believed can give an element of fun to the students, so the researcher thinks it could be a great way to encourage the whole class in the class to study and work together. In this case, the game it means chain drawing.
According to Budden (2006) in her article says, chain drawing is a game or activity that involves the whole class, sitting in the circle; the game recycles vocabulary and involves an element of fun. It has several steps, they are:
·          Give each student a piece of paper and some colored pencils.
·          Tell them that the teacher is going to play some music and the teacher asks them to draw whatever about the material.
·         As music is playing, all students should be drawing.
·         After 20 or 30 seconds, the teacher stops the music.
·         Students stop drawing and pass their picture to the student to the left of them in the circle.
·         Playing the music again, and then they continue with the drawing the student next to them has started.
·         Stop the music again, pass the pictures on and this continue until the end of the song.
·         When the music has finished, each student would have a picture that several students contributed.
·         The teacher shows the pictures they made and asks them to guess what pictures those are.Whenever the students get stuck of guessing them, the teacher directly helps them by giving some clues.
·         Finally the correct answer.

 ( chain drawing can make students more enjoyable and easier in understanding the material given by the teacher. It also could stimulate them to be more active in teaching learning process; the researcher believes it could be an appropriate teaching strategy to improve the student’s mastery of English vocabulary of the fourth grade students of SD Muhammadiyah 1 Kudus.
By using chain drawing strategy, the researcher hopes it would make the students feel pleasant, fun, happy, and different from what they usually get from their teacher in the class. The most important is it can make students be easier in understanding the material given by the teacher and also be active in the teaching learning process.  That is the reason why the researcher choses the topic “ IMPROVING THE STUDENTS’ MASTERY OF ENGLISH VOCABULARY BY USING CHAIN DRAWING STRATEGY ( AN ACTION RESEARCH IN THE CASE OF THE FOURTH GRADE STUDENTS OF SD MUHAMMADIYAH 1 KUDUS IN THE ACADEMIC YEAR 2012/2013)” as the title of his final project.

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