1.1 Background of the Study
Besides our mother tongue, Indonesian and Javanese language, we also learn
English as our second language. English is very important because nowadays
English already be one of the most important languages, beside Mandarin .In
other words by mastering English either actively or passively, we can grasp a
half of this world, not only in business world but also in politics and also in education. Our government awares how important of
English is, so they made English be one of the subject which is taught from
playgroup until the university. In English there are four language skills, they
are listening, speaking, reading and writing.
The students must master the four
of language skills so they can use English actively and also passively. Writing
as a part of the language skills besides listening, speaking and reading, must
be taught maximally by the teacher to the student. Writing is also one media of
communication. According to Byrne (1980:24) writing is a primary means of
recording speech, even though it must be acknowledged as a secondary medium of
communication, so that the writer can conclude that writing is very important
as one media of communication, that can help us to have a good socialization,
can express our idea, feeling, and our opinion so that we can have a good
interaction with our society. We can see the importance of writing in daily
life and also in our social life, like in education and business aspect, for
example when we write letter or application letter. Writing also gives some
other benefits. Besides being means of communication, writing can also create
jobs. In beginning writing, it is just an activity to express our idea,
opinion, or feeling in the text. Writing can also be a hobby to spend our time,
but finally in this modern life, people can get money from doing their writing, for example a journalist,
novelist or scrip writer. Although, writing is very important for us, it is a difficult subject
especially for the student. The reason is because writing is a mixture of our
idea, vocabulary and also grammar, according to Heaton in his book”Writing
English Language Test”(1975:138); Writing skill are more complex and difficult
to teaching, requiring, and mastering not only of grammatical and rhetorical
devices but also conceptual and judgment, because of the difficulties of
writing, some efforts have been done to solve the problem .
The main objective
is to make the writing become easier to learn for the students. From the
Heaton’s opinion, the writer can conclude that writing is a very important
subje ct because in writing we must share idea from our brain, it is not easy
to translate concept in our brain to be a written language, and we must also be
clever to choose and to combine the vocabulary to create something
that is meaningful .We also must pay attention to the grammar, so it is normal
if the student think that writing is a difficult subject because they must pay
attention to many things (idea, concept, vocabulary and grammar). Besides that
reason, there is another factor that makes writing be the most difficult
subject. The other reason is that there are a lot of many kinds of texts in
English, such as narrative, descriptive, recount, spoof and many more. Each
text has different characteristics. There are generic social function, structure
and lexicogrammatical features. Usually the student can differentiate each text
from another and they mix all kinds of texts. This will be a challenge for the
teacher to find out how the student can distinguish each kind of text from
another. To solve that problem, a teacher must find out how to make them be
able to distinguish each kind of text from another, the teacher also must try
to develop the ability of writing, grammar and structure of the student, and
they also must find out an interesting method or visual aid to teach writing,
so they will be interested in writing class. According to Kreidler (1965:1) he
had an opinion that visual aid can be useful to the language teacher because;
a) They create situations which are outside the class room wall,
b) Introduce the students to unfamiliar cultural aspects,
c) Give reality to what might be understood, verbally by the
d) Change situations quickly and easily in a drill, provide
decoration for the classroom. Basically the teacher can use all kinds of
visual aids but they must pay attention to how the importance of the visual aid for the teaching
learning process is, how the effectiveness of using the visual aids is, and
many more questions, related to visual aids. Any kinds of visual aid that
teacher uses must make the students comfortable with the material or the class
so they can easily understand the lesson. Kreidler (1965; 41) also has another
opinion, he said that: Using any kind of method has goals to give the students the
opportunity to express their own idea, using the language pattern that they
have learned. And that the students need this kind of opportunity in order to
begin to use English in a way that enables them to express their ideas,
interest, feeling and needs, clearly, correctly and confidently. Based on
Kreidler opinion, the writer can conclude that visual aid has an important
function that the teacher can use in teaching and learning process, visual aids
can also give the students an opportunity to extend their ability and also to
explore their talent.
Since long time ago teacher already use any kinds of visual aid for
example; in book, picture, song, real object, etc. In this final project the
writer chose a film, Brother Bear in a writing class, the writer hopes that by
using film the students will be more interested in learning writing in a class.
The writer will explore a genre in writing, that is, narrative, because
narrative is an interesting genre for students because they can share their
idea, opinion and their own experience, like writing in a diary. According
Charles et al (1985:129), he had an opinion:
A narrative is a story, a narrative writing is writing that tells about a
story. We use narrative writing when we tell a friend about something
interesting that happened to you at work or in school, when you tell someone a
joke, or if you write about the events of the day in the privacy of a diary or
journal. A narrative text is very suitable for the students in writing class
because they can easily express their own idea drawn from their own experience
at school, house or anywhere, in their narrative writing.
1.2 Reasons for Choosing the Topic Some reasons why the writer
chooses the titles “the use of animation movies for developing students’ writing
skill of narrative text, a case study of teaching English at eleventh grade
students of SMA N10 Semarang are: a) A narrative text is the most
interesting of writing genre for students of Senior High School because it
tells about something imaginative so it will be quite relevant to their world
and make them produce a text. b) As a student of the education
program of the English Department the writer has a great interest in this problem. The writer would like to
find out more about the problems in teaching writing especially to students in
Senior High School. The writer uses Brother Bear film because this film has
strong characters that are very interesting for the students, Brother Bear also
has a lot of moral values that can give a lot of social education to the students,
and Brother Bear also has a simple story.
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