The Effect of Using Flash Card in Teaching Vocabulary ~ ADITAMA SAPUTRA 707

Sunday 13 March 2016

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The Effect of Using Flash Card in Teaching Vocabulary

11.1  Background of Study
Learning English in early ages has advantages from both biological and psychological point of view. Based on those advantages, Indonesian government through 1994’s Primary School Curriculum has introduced English as “local content”, starting from grade four at primary school. In ten years of its application, English in primary school still has a number of problems that need solutions (Sujana and Narasintawati, 2006).

With the status of local content, which subjects the idea of ​​local content is to meet the local needs of a society, what is to be achieved in the subjects of English? Is it to meet the needs in the field of tourism, to continue their studies or have other purposes? If the purpose of continuing studies directed to this end it must be consistent with the purpose of teaching the next level (SMP) is to enhance the ability of all four language skills. If the purpose is to meet local needs, where NTB became one of the destinations, the objectives and learning materials aimed at the introduction of vocabulary and expressions related to tourism. It seems too early. Or, if the objectives are to improve mastery of English by giving these subjects before puberty, it is necessary to think about teaching that can lead students to achieve perfection of English usage such as the accuracy of pronunciation, suprasegmental elements and others. These learning objectives will be easily formulated if there is clarity of the status of English subjects in primary schools, especially the local content of this label. It seems that the translation "local content" in this context as a kind of autonomy of schools to give lessons in English as elective subjects in school depending on school readiness. The long term goal is to learn English so that students can speak English confidently, correctly and fluently. But in teaching English to children do not need to be imposed to achieve the target due to meet that goal they have at least 60-10 years to learn. In designing learning, to consider the scale of priority objectives those are tailored to their age and their learning patterns. And no less important is the review of the goals of higher learning (Sujana and Narasintawati, 2006).
The failure of English language teaching in Indonesia has made policy makers to always make changes. One of the changes made is to start introducing English at an early age is starting 4th grade elementary school, although still limited to local content in the Basic Education Curriculum 1994. The main purpose the introduction of English at an early age, among others, to improve the quality of output and input of more (Huda, 1999; Sutarsyah 2004 in Sujana and Narasintawati 2006). The rationale underlying this change is that language learning in children has several advantages. The age factor started to learn the language (age of onset / AO) is one determinant of success in learning the language. Learning the language will gain perfection that began at the age before puberty because at this age are biologically brain has a high level of elasticity that allows a person to learn the language faster (Lennerberg in Sujana, 2006). Besides learning the language in childhood will be more successful because the children psychologically liberated from shame and fear of such an experienced adult language learners.
The preposition is one of the eight parts of speech1 in the English language. A preposition indicates a relationship between persons, places or things mentioned in a sentence. There are approximately 80 to 100 prepositions categorized into several classes, such as spatial, comparative, and temporal, depending on the kind of relationship denoted by the preposition. English preposition is one of the items of English grammar that has differences from Indonesian preposition. So it is possible if the teacher in teaching English preposition faces difficulties. They are caused by the differences between them. English proposition has been called the biggest little words in English” (American Book Company 1986: 288). They have important function in sentences and different preposition can make different meaning for the sentence.
In learning English, Grammar is one significant component to mediate the system of written symbol that cannot be avoided. Tenses, preposition, to be, and articles are some aspects of grammar. Preposition is one of the important things in grammar. Even though preposition looks small, short and insignificant look but it is enough to change the meaning of the sentences entirely. It means, studying preposition seems easy for the students, but many students are often confused in applying it in almost English skill. Therefore, the students should be careful to use preposition in every sentence that they make. Considering the importance of using English preposition, this study is intended to investigate the ability of thefifth year students of SDN 30 Ampenan, in using prepositions.
It is a great pleasure for teachers of English as a foreign language to have a student who speaks and writes English correctly. This has been the dream of all EFL teachers, but especially those who teach students who begin their foreign language studies after the age of eleven, as they are well aware of the difficulties these students encounter in learning English.

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