Maylina, Shofi.
2013. Appraisal Analysis in the
Introduction of Asian EFL Journal 2012. English Education Department,
Teacher Training and Education Faculty, Muria Kudus University. Advisor: (1)
Rismiyanto, S.S, M.Pd., (2) Fitri Budi Suryani, S.S, M.Pd
Appraisal, engagement, introduction
section, Asian EFL Journal
Academic writing especially journal
writing may be a great challenge for researchers. Researchers need to convince
the reader that their research is well founded. It usually stated in the
introduction section of the journal. Unfortunately, Kotze (2007) stated that it
is the most difficult part to be written. However, a good introduction should
persuade even non-specialist to begin reading the text (Matthews and Matthews:
2008). In this term, appraisal resources can be used to build up patterns
across whole texts (Butt, et al., 2001: 121). Specifically, academic discourse
should obtain engagement resources rather than other appraisal subsystems. It
is based on Martin and White’s (2005) statement that engagement can open for
dialogistic in a discourse.
research aims to find out and to give a picture about engagement-appraisal in
the introduction section of Asian EFL Journal Professional Teaching Articles
(PTA) CEBU Conference Issue 2012. Besides that, it also aims to interpret the
general trend of the use of engagement-appraisal in the introduction section of
Asian EFL Journal PTA 2012.
The research is conducted through
descriptive qualitative research. Five articles from five publications of Asian
EFL Journal PTA CEBU Conference Issue 2012 are selected. To analyze
engagement-appraisal in the introduction section, the writer uses Martin and
White’s (2005) appraisal framework.
writer finds that heteroglossic-engagement appraisal significantly appears than
monoglossic, 101 of 110(92%) of clauses in the articles. However, there are
only 9 of 110 (8%) clauses show monoglossic. In case of heteroglossic, 54
clauses or 53% of heteroglossic shows contract expression while 47 clauses or
47% show expand expression. It means that the journal authors tend to open up
dialogistic alternatives rather than giving exact view of the issue. Although
the degree of uncertainty is high, they give valid information by quoting and
referencing to the previous researchers’ statement. It is indicated by the
dominant use of acknowledge (23%).
The writer
suggests the students who will write introduction section should put expression
of acknowledge giving more well-grounded background knowledge. Hopefully,
teachers can encourage the students to have more critical attitude in writing.
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