The Correlation between The Correlation between Students’ frequency in Watching English Movie and Students’ Vocabulary Mastery ~ ADITAMA SAPUTRA 707

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The Correlation between The Correlation between Students’ frequency in Watching English Movie and Students’ Vocabulary Mastery


Nurul, Bayu, 2013. The Correlation between The Correlation between Students’ frequency in Watching English Movie and Students’ Vocabulary Mastery of the Eleventh Grade Students of SMA 1 Bae Kudus in the Academic Year 2013/2014. Skripsi. English Education Department of Muria Kudus University. Advisor: (1) Drs, Suprihadi, M.Pd (2) Fitri Budi Suryani, SS, M.Pd

Key word: frequency, vocabulary mastery, eleventh grade students.

In recent years, improvements in technology have enhanced students’ opportunities to build a new way of learning English. One of the ways used by students in learning English nowadays is by watching English movie. Furthermore, activity of watching English movies is believed to be an alternative media of the students to improve and enrich their mastery of English vocabulary. As a part of language components, vocabulary has an important role in learning English. Moreover, without mastering vocabulary, it is impossible to master English well.
The purpose of this research to find out the correlation between Students’ frequency in Watching English Movie and Students’ Vocabulary Mastery of the Eleventh Grade Students of SMA 1 Bae Kudus in the Academic Year 2013/2014.
This is correlation research. Variable X is students’ frequency in watching English movie, and Variable Y is students’ vocabulary mastery. Then, the data are analyzed by using Pearson Correlation Product Moment Formula to know the correlation between students’ frequency in watching English movie and students’ vocabulary mastery.
The result of the research shows that: a)  students’ frequency in watching English movie of the Eleventh Grade Students of SMA 1 Bae Kudus in the Academic Year 2013/2014 is low (the mean  is 49.55.). b) students’ vocabulary mastery the Eleventh Grade Students of SMA 1 Bae Kudus in the Academic Year 2013/2014  is average (the mean  is 71.31). c) To know the correlation of them, the writer calculates each score and gets rxy = 0.378. So, from the result of calculating rxy obtained that there is a correlation but not significant.  The rxy obtained is including low category. So, the result is there is no significant correlation between students’ frequency in watching English movie and students’ vocabulary mastery.        
            Thus, the writer suggests that English movie can be alternative media to learning English. The students should keep studying so that students can improve their English ability. 


In this chapter, the writer presents about background of the research, statement of the problem, objective of the research, significance of the research, scope of the research, and operational definition.
1.1 Background of the Research
In recent years, improvements in technology have enhanced students’ opportunities to build a new way of learning English. One of the ways used by students in learning English nowadays is by watching English movie.
Movie is a series of still or moving images. It is produced by recording photographic images with cameras or by creating images using animation techniques or visual effects. According to Bayu and Gora (2007:1) film is a series of story that needs images and sounds as the media with the filmic language and it needs a long time to convey it. Thus, film or movie is made of visual or images sequences as a symbolic language which has meaning inside of each image presented. Film also involves world, characters, and meaning.
By the mid-1990s, according to film critic David Robinson in an Encyclopedia Britannica review (in Riana, 2012:5), the USA controlled about 85 percent of the world film market, with Hollywood films dominating the box offices in most countries. As a result, English language suddenly came to dominate the movie in the world. Hence, students are offered a unique chance to listen to and see the use of the original English dialogue through English movie

since movies show that the language is real and they surely reflect the changes in the language use itself.
According to Nuttall (in Riana, 2012:24) “Authentic materials can be motivating because they are proof that the language is used for real-life purpose by real people”. As both entertainment media and authentic material for supporting students’ English learning, movies seem highly entertaining, attractive and motivating for students. When watching movies begins to be done by the students outside the class or in their free time, it must be due to their own willingness for the sake of looking for pleasures, entertainment, knowledge, and so forth. Therefore, the activity is considered to be necessary that it is mostly repeated regularly and likely internalized by the students to be their activity. When students choose watching movies as their regular activity, movies are influential aspects in order to support their English language learning including vocabulary as one of language components.
As a part of language components, vocabulary has an important role in learning English. Without sufficient vocabulary, students will be difficult to understand the meaning of the words in English and cannot communicate also express the ideas easily. Moreover, without mastering vocabulary, it is impossible to master English well. The students who have more vocabulary can improve their English more easily. Therefore vocabulary is compulsory to be mastered by students who want to master a language, especially students in learning English. Without mastering the vocabulary, students will find many difficulties in learning English. Richards (2001:4) says that definition of vocabulary is one of the most obvious components of language. Meanwhile, Setiadi (2008) explains that vocabulary is words that have its certain meaning and can be used by person in a language.
Furthermore, activity of watching English movies is believed to be an alternative media of the students to improve and enrich their mastery of English vocabulary. According to Qiang and Wolff (in Riana 2012:8), believe that movies are able to enrich students’ English vocabulary and help students to pick up idiomatic use of words and phrase. English movie also help the students to improve their vocabulary knowledge by making sense of words and expressions through context which is provided in the form of film and situation.
Beside the reason above, to deal with this research, in SMA 1 Bae Kudus, there are some reasons of this decision. Based on interview with the eleventh grade students of SMA 1 Bae Kudus it was found that the students prefer watched English movies than Indonesian movies. They have high enthusiasm in watching English movie because as both entertainment media, English movies can for supporting them to learning English. Watching English movie can improve they vocabulary mastery, because insensibly when they watching English movie, they are get, hear and read the words from that movie. It mean in doing that activity they study about vocabulary.
Based on the reasons above, the writer intends to investigate the correlation between watching English movies and vocabulary entitled: Correlation Between Students’ Frequency in Watching English Movie and Students’ Vocabulary Mastery of The Eleventh Grade Students of SMA 1 Bae Kudus in the Academic Year of 2013/2014.

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