Yustari, Meyla Arih. 2013. The Writing Ability in Descriptive
Text of the Eighth Grade Students of SMP N 4 Bae Kudus in the Academic Year
2012/2013 Taught by Using Facebook. Skripsi. English Education Department,
Teacher Training and Education Faculty, Muria Kudus University. Advisor: (i)
Drs. Muh Syafe’i, M.Pd (ii) Mutohhar, S.Pd, M.Pd
Key words: Writing ability, Descriptive text, Facebook
Writing skill needs ability in
developing ideas into sentences and paragraphs by considering logical,
cohesiveness, mechanics, vocabulary and also grammatical correctness is
difficult skill that requires teaching media to help the students. In fact that
the students’ writing ability in descriptive text are still under the minimum
criteria and found many errors are as proofs that the learning process needs an
interesting media that can motivate and also help students in writing activity.
Facebook is a kind of social network media that can be used as interesting
media to motivate and help students in writing.
The research about
writing ability in descriptive text taught by using Facebook is conducted to
find out whether there is a significant difference between the students’
writing ability in descriptive text before and after being taught by using
This quantitative
experimental research about the students’ writing ability in descriptive text
before and after being taught by using Facebook was conducted at the eighth
grade students of SMP N 4 Bae Kudus in the academic year 2012/2013 by using
cluster random sampling and took class VIII.E as the sample of the research
with 31 students.
The result of the
research shows that the students’ average score of writing descriptive text
before being taught by using Facebook is 65.08 and the standard deviation is 9,15,
it is categorized as “sufficient”. Meanwhile the students’ average score of
writing descriptive text after being taught by using Facebook is 77.82 and the
standard deviation is 5,29, it is categorized as “good”. Then from the
hypothesis testing, I found that t-obtained is 7.8 while t-table is of degree
of freedom 30 in the level of significant 0.05 is 2.04. So, it can be concluded
that there is a significant difference between the
writing ability in descriptive text at the eighth grade students of SMP N 4 Bae
Kudus in the academic year 2012/2013 before and after being taught by using Facebook.
From the facts
above, so that the writer suggests the English teacher may take the benefit of
using social network media such as Facebook in teaching and learning activity
especially writing activity so that students can be interested and help
students to improve their writing ability. The students do not only use
Facebook to make relationship or share their feelings, they can also use
Facebook to help their ability in generating ideas especially in writing
descriptive text. But in using social network media through internet access,
the teacher also should pay lots of attention and controlling students from any
inappropriate sites.
In this chapter, the writer
presents background of the study, statement of the problem, objective of the
study, significance of the study, scope of the study and operational
of the Study
Writing is a complex skill that relates to other language aspects such as grammar, vocabulary and
spelling mastery to express
ideas, thoughts and memories
into written form, either in form of sentence, paragraph or composition which
need some practice done step by step. The
final product of writing is measured
against a list of criteria which includes content, organization, vocabulary
use, grammatical use and mechanical considerations such as spelling and
punctuation. According to Richard
(1997:100) “learning to write well is difficult and lengthy process, because it
includes anxiety and frustration in many learners”.
KTSP 2006 has stated teaching English at
Junior High School is oriented to be able to master four language skills
include listening, speaking, reading and writing. Beside master language
skills, the students are also expected to be able to master language components
such as grammar, vocabulary and spelling. The junior High School students are
expected to be able to use English in communication orally or written.
At Junior High School level, the teaching
of writing aims at developing students’ competences in expressing short and
simple messages for interaction with people in the environment and in writing
various text types which include descriptive, procedure, recount, narrative,
and report texts (Depdiknas, 2006:287)
One of the materials which are taught in the eighth grade of SMP N
4 Kudus is genre such as recount, narrative, and descriptive text. According to
Gerot and Wignell (1994:208),
descriptive text is one of text type which has function to describe particular
person, place, or thing.
Based on the interview with English teacher of SMP N 4 Bae Kudus,
the writer got information that the students’ ability in writing descriptive
text was still low and the students had low motivation during teaching and learning
The minimum passing score (Kriteria
Ketuntatas Minimum) for English in SMP N 4 Bae Kudus is 75. But based on the
students’ score in writing descriptive text of a class in SMP N 4 Bae Kudus,
the writer found that there are students who still get score under 75 in
writing descriptive text because of there
were many errors in content of the composition, vocabulary and grammar. The
first is that the students’ descriptive writing was not comprehensible because
the content of the composition is not relevant to the topic. The second is the
ideas of the students’ writing composition are not clearly stated because they
are difficult to choose the appropriate vocabulary for their writing. Then the
sentences which the students have produced are not well organized because of
grammatical mistakes.
Besides the students’ writing ability which was still considered low, the students also had low motivation and not interested in doing
task during teaching and learning process since writing activities are not interesting. Those problems may happen because usually the students are asked to
compose sentences and paragraph without being given some clues so that they are
difficult to express the idea. The writer gets information that the teacher also
did not use media in teaching process and the teacher just give one chance for
them to write the kind of genre. They only discuss what the text and to
construct. Meanwhile, the students need much time to think what they are going
to write. They need interesting media to attract them in writing activity.
Nowadays, people cannot be separated with
the development of information and communication technology (ICT). The role of
information and communication technology in our life is to help people interact
with global world. The development of ICT especially internet access and its
social media also has influenced the development of education. The use of
internet access and social media at school give great contribution in the
teaching and learning process. At school, the social media can be used as
interesting media to teach English that can attract students’ attention and
motivation to be enjoyed during teaching and learning process.
An interesting social teaching
media is expected can motivate students in learning English. There are lots of media
to teach descriptive text. One of interesting social media in teaching writing descriptive
text is Facebook. Facebook is a social networking media that nowadays mostly
used by people to make interaction and relationship through internet access. Irmawati (2012:10) said that the students
can be motivated to be active in teaching and learning process especially in writing
descriptive text by using Facebook in their writing activity. Through Facebook, students can
find lots of information about someone’s description through profile picture and profile information features found in
the Facebook account. By using Facebook as medium and its Facebook features, it can
help the students to produce the descriptive text easily and also make teaching and learning process being interesting.
In reference to the explanations above, the writer is interested to
conduct a research dealing with writing descriptive text by using Facebook. The
use of this media is expected can increase the
students’ ability in writing descriptive
text. Then the writer conducts a research entitled “The Writing Ability in
Descriptive Text of the Eighth Grade Students of SMP N 4 Bae Kudus in the
Academic Year 2012/2013 Taught by Using Facebook”.
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