An Analysis of Modality in the Script of Anthony Robbins’ Motivational Speech “Why We Do What We Do” ~ ADITAMA SAPUTRA 707

Monday 14 March 2016

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An Analysis of Modality in the Script of Anthony Robbins’ Motivational Speech “Why We Do What We Do”


Nugroho, Sigit Mukti. 2013. An Analysis of Modality in the Script of Anthony Robbins’ Motivational Speech “Why We Do What We Do”. Skripsi. English Education Department Teacher Training and Education Faculty Muria Kudus University. Advisors: (1) Dr. Slamet Utomo, M.Pd., (2) Nuraeningsih, S.Pd., M.Pd.
Keywords:    modality, script of Anthony Robbins’ motivational speech “Why We Do What We Do”.

Communication takes place in our life in order to fulfill needs. It is carried out by means of language that is viewed to have metafunctions, one of which is interpersonal meanings as resources to manage interaction between people. Modality is one of the features of these meanings, functioning as the intermediate range between extreme positive and extreme negative. Motivational speech delivered by Anthony Robbins entitled “Why We Do What We Do” also contains modality that makes persuasive language.
The objective of this research is to find out the system of types of modality in the script of Anthony Robbins’s motivational speech entitled “Why We Do What We Do” and the functions of the types of modality used in the script.
Descriptive qualitative method has been utilized to reach the objectives of this research. The data of this research is the types of modality (probability, usuality, obligation, and inclination) found in the script of Anthony Robbins’s motivational speech “Why We Do What We Do”. Meanwhile, the data source of this research is the script of the motivational speech itself.
The result of the research showed that Anthony Robbins in fact uses all types of modality including probability (41%), followed by usuality (20%), inclination (20%), and obligation (19%). The most dominant one is probability. By this result of analysis, we can see the way Tony Robbins persuades and motivates his audience. He optimises modality of probability to offer more possibilities to the audience to make them easier to grasp spirit, and the other modalities to execute communication technique of leading which is done by motivating the audience.
By the result of the analysis, this research has provided resources for motivational speakers to optimise modalities to motivate people, for teachers to motivate and teach their students, for students to learn and use modality in daily life more appropriately and effectively, for further researchers as a resource to conduct a research, and for common readers to improve their communication.

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