The Analysis of Moral Value of the Dangerous Mind Movie ~ ADITAMA SAPUTRA 707

Wednesday 23 March 2016

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The Analysis of Moral Value of the Dangerous Mind Movie

Dewi, Paramita. 2012. THE ANALYSIS OF MORALVALUE OF THE DANGEROUS  MINDS”  MOVIE.  Graduating  paper,  English Departement of education faculty State Islamic Studies Institute (STAIN) Salatiga. Supervisor : Mashlihatul Umami, M.A

Keywords        : Movie,Moral Value

The purposes of this research are divided into two parts. The first purpose of this research is to analyze the moralvalues in the movie. The second purpose is to know the implications of this movie in education. The methodology of this study is Descriptive Qualitative Research; itmeans that it does not need statistic approach to explore the material. In this research, the writer research about the moralvalues of Dangerous Minds movie. Qualitative research is a search of which the data written or oral words are descriptive analyzed. The result of this study is there are some of moralvalues in this movie. From the analysis, it can be concluded that there  are  love  and  affection,  respectful,  bravely,  kind  and  friendly, sensitive   and   not   selfish,   honesty,   hard    work,   patriotism,   and responsibility.  The  achievements  of  this  research  are  expected to  give some contributions to further study of moralvalues. Practically, the study will give additional contribution to the English students. Theoretically, the study will add the literature of linguistic. The writer hope the result of the research will give additional information, contributions and stimulates the students or readers in studying the literature.



               A.  The Background of Study

Language is the organized system of speech used by human being as a means of communication among themselves (Webster, 2004). People use language as a complex system of symbol to convey meaning, feeling and intent, like respectful, familiarity, solidarity, existence, and share, admiration, annoyed and soon with their partner in daily live in society.
The development of audiovisual technology and information media influences the life style changing of society. Radios, television, DVD, VCD are some examples electronic which become furniture at house wife. Those technology media have function as information and entertaintment media. It can entertain people 24 hours up to their needs. It influences people live in receptive and consumtive society, because all programs are presented in entertaining ways, in examples : FTV, advertisement, movie, interactive talk show, even though criminal and mystic news.
This phenomenon makes us think about how appropriate that children do not fall with a mind that is not good due to film that they watched. This should be a lesson to parents to pay more attention to children. Many parents today have realized that supervising what your child watches on TV is an effective way of controlling his influences. If he has a favourite TV show, 

watch it a few times with him to make sure that the show does not give out the wrong message. If it does, explain to him why the message is wrong and does not apply in real life. For example, movies can give a lot of wrong messages about respecting women, sex, love, work ethics, drugs, and alcohol. You can easily stop these effects by talking to your child. Check if the movies he watches are appropriate for his age. If they come with adult ratings, then insist that he may not watch the movie any time soon. Also, if you feel your son is watching the wrong sort of movies, it may be time to take matters into your own hands. Tell him what sort of ideas he should take back from a

Teachers are the most important component of education; they have big roles in the result of education. Teacher have to give education to make students comfortable learning in school, many things or methods used to exciting students in order to understand what the teacher teaches. A teacher has a very big responsibility for student success to achieve a perfect education, the need for methods used to exciting students to be able to follow the lesson well, although sometimes not in accordance with the adopted curriculum in the schools, in Dangerous Minds movie was instrumental teachers active, teachers use a method that attracts students to stay the course even though it‟s out of the curriculum, because in this film in teaching children not the children that reasonable as any other child.
In Dangerous minds movie, LouAnne Johnson (Michelle Pfeiffer), a retired U.S.Marine, applies for a teaching job at Parkmont High School in California,and is surprised and pleased to be offered the positioning with immediate effect. Turning up the next day to begin teaching, however, she finds her self confronted with a classroom of though, sullen teenagers, all from lower-class and underprivileged backgrounds, involvedin gang warfare and drug pushing, flatly refusing to engage with anything. They immediately coin the nickname White Bread for LouAnne responds by returning the next day in a leather jacket and teaching them karate. The students show some interest in such activities, but immediately revert to their former behaviour when LouAnne tries to teach the curriculum.
According to the condition, the writer takes the educational values from”Dangerous minds” movie, the writer hopes that this research can help the readers in solving their problem and the writer would like to emphasizes the importance of education. So, for such purpose, the writer is interested in conducting a research entitle ”The Analysis of moral value of the Dangerous Minds movie”.

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