An Analysis of Educational Values in Tetsuko Kuroyanagi’s Novel Entitle Totto-chan: The Little Girl at The Window ~ ADITAMA SAPUTRA 707

Wednesday 23 March 2016

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An Analysis of Educational Values in Tetsuko Kuroyanagi’s Novel Entitle Totto-chan: The Little Girl at The Window

Hartanto, Fardhian. 2012. An Analysis of Educational Values in Tetsuko Kuroyanagi’s  Novel  Entitle  Totto-chan:  The  Little  Girl  at  The Window. Graduating Paper. English Department of Education Faculty State Institute for Islamic Studies Salatiga. Counselor: Dr. Saadi, M. Ag.

There are four research problems proposed from the novel Totto-chan: The Little Girl at The Window ; What are the intrinsic literary elements of the novel Toto-Chan: The Little Girl at the Window, What are the educational values of the novel, How are the educational values presented in the novel, What is the implication of the novel in relation to family education. The method used in analyzing the novel Totto-chan: The Little Girl at The Window is descriptive method. The writer expects that the result of the study can give the advantages as follows: Contribute the development of literary study, particularly among students of STAIN Salatiga who are interested in the literary study, to enlarge our knowledge about the education, to remind the reader about the importance of education in our life. The contribution from this research is that the  other researcher can read this paper to improve their ability to appreciate the values of  education the novel. The writer hopes this paper can be a reference for future research.



A.   Background of the Study

People have many reasons to study literature. Some people say they study literature because they want to get new knowledge and some moral or education values from the literary work. On the other hand, people study literature to get pleasure because they will feel happy and comfortable while reading or studying it. By reading literature we would get much benefit, especially something that has a relation with our life.
Mariam Webster (1981: 1321) states that literature is writing in prose of verse, especially; writing having excellence of form of expression and expressing ideas of permanent or universal interest (literature stands related to man as science stand to nature).
Novel  is  one  form  of  literary  work.  It  reflects  the  condition  and situation of human in real life then illustrated by the author of the novel in a written form. Novel is combination of real life experiences and the imagination of the author. Most of the aspects in the real life of human are presented in the novel that the author conveyed through the novel.
Novel is a fictional story in writing and has intrinsic and extrinsic elements.  It  usually  tells  about  human  life  in  its  interaction  with  the environment and each other. In a novel, the author makes every effort to direct  the  reader  to  the  descriptions  of  reality  life  through  the  stories contained in the novel.
According to Robert Stanton (1965: 44), novel is a long story. It presents in detail the development of a character or a large complex or a social situation involving many characters relationship or a complicated event covering many years or a complex relationship among a few characters.
Totto-Chan:‖The  Little Girl at the Window is written by Tetsuko Kuroyanagi. It tells a story about of a six years girl who lives during the Second World War. Her name is Totto-chan.  In her daily life, everything that she does or she asks is always approved by her parents.  Her attitudes as girl are different from other children in Nogisaka. In her old school, she always makes mistakes, makes some unusual activities, likes standing on the window while the teacher was teaching, etc. This unusual behavior makes the teacher frustrated and Totto-chan has to be expelled from her school.
Then, she en-rolled at Tomoe Gakuen. The unique school was headed by Sosaku Kobayashi, a teaching method that is different from the conventional school. Tomoe school emphasizes a child's curiosity, and there are many varieties of interesting things there; like wagon trains classes, beautiful gardens, and a method of teaching where students can choose what lessons they want to learn today on an individually, etc. Each student from one class can have different activities and different interests. The novel Totto- chan: The Little Girl at the Window is really interesting to explore deeply.

In this study the writer will search the educational values in the novel Totto-Chan: The Little Girl at the Window. The writer hopes that this research can give solution to the problems of education in our life. Moreover, the writer hopes this  novel  is  good  for  everybody to  apply this  value in  daily life, especially for parents and teacher.

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