The Analysis of Maxim in "Tears of the Sun Movie" ~ ADITAMA SAPUTRA 707

Tuesday 22 March 2016

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The Analysis of Maxim in "Tears of the Sun Movie"

Diastuti, Nanik Restiwi.2012: SKRIPSI: “THE ANALYSIS OF MAXIMS IN “TEARS OF THE SUN” MOVIE”. Thesis.Tarbiyah Faculty. English Major. State Islamic Studies Institute. Consultant: HanungTriyoko, S.S, M.Hum, M.Ed.
Key Word: Cooperative Principle, conversational maxims, “Tears of the sun”
            This research is about the analysis of maxims in “Tears of the sun” movie. More specifically, this research discussed about obedience conversational maxims that were found in the conversations occurred in “Tears of the sun” movie. This research, applied descriptive qualitative method.  
            Focusing on the problem statements, there are two cases in this study. They are what kind of the maxims that found in “Tears of the sun” movie andwhat the relation between character and characterization with the way the maxims are conveyed in “Tears of the sun” movie. The writer also analysis intrinsic elements “Tears of the sun” movie.In analyzing  the  conversational  maxims,  the  writer  used  the  theory  of  the Cooperative principle by Paul Grice (1975). In this theory, the cooperative principles  are  divided  into  four  parts:  maxim  of  quality,  maxim  of  quantity, maxim of relation and maxim of manner. The overall findings showed that there were four maxims obeyed in whole of conversations in “Tears of the sun” movie. Then  the  writer  also  found  that  the  way  the  maxims  are  conveyed  through character and characterization from the actors and actress in the movie.


Language plays an important role in human life. It functions to transfer information and to establish social relationship. Therefore people use words in their language to communicate with others. In communicating with others, people share information such as facts, tell their emotion and ask something. Language is social activity. It seems like other social activities, language activity will create if human engage in it. In the conversation addressor and addressee realize that there are principles which organize their acts, the using of language, the interpretations, and addressee utterance. Every participant has to be responsible with their act and violation principles in that lingual interaction. (Allan, 1986: 10).
In  the  normal  communication,  it  can  be  assumed  that  the  speaker articulates the utterance to communicate something stand what will be communicated.  For  the  reason,  addressor  always  try  their  utterance    will  be relevant  with  the contexts,  clear, easy to  be understand,  concise,  and  always straight forward, so that it will not waste time for addressee. People sometimes say something that has hidden meaning or implicature in their communication. In every conversation, people should make a good cooperation with others. Grice came up with the following maxims of conversation.
A basic underlying assumption we make when we speak to one another is that we are trying tocooperate with one another to construct meaningfulconversations.This assumption is known asthe Cooperative Principle

(Grice, 1975). As stated in H. P. Grice‟s Logic and Conversation” (1975:45).If they don‟t give cooperative reaction, it will violence Grice cooperation maxims. Grice suggested that conversation is based on a shared principle of cooperation, something like:
Make your conversational contribution what is required, at the stage at which it occurs, by the accepted purpose or direction  of  the  talk  exchange  in  which  you  are engaged.(1975: 45)

This cooperative principle has four maxims.The Gricean Maxims are a way to explain the link between utterances and what is understood from them. The Maxims  are  based  on  his  cooperative  principle.  The  principle  describes  how effective communication in conversation is achieved in common social situationsinto the four Maxims of Quality ( try to make contribution one that is true), example, A: Should I buy your friends used car?, B: I don‟t know that‟s such a good idea, his car breaks dawn all the times. Quantity (make your contribution as informative as it is required), example, A: where is the post office?, B: “continue on, and make the second left up there. You will see it. Relevance (be relevant), example, A: how are you doing in school?, B: not so well, I‟m afraid. I had rather not discuss it. Manner (be perspicuous), example: Can you take out the trash?, B: Yes, but we need to talk about how we are assigning the chores around here when I get back. (Grice. 1975, at stated in http//
The writer is interested in conducting a study to find out the purpose of the maxims  because  people  sometimes  answer  a  question  by  giving  ambiguous

 statment and say something that is not really true. Surely, they have a purpose by flouting the certain maxims of conversation that are said to be important in the conversation. Flouting maxims also happens in the conversation in movies so that the conversation seems like a natural speech, although the speech or the conversation was designed by scriptwriter.
The writer chooses to analyze the movie since movie has an audio-visual aspect, which can make a story as real as a fact. The conversation in a movie is also similar with real conversation since it needs good pronunciation, articulation and voicing to make an interaction between characters.  When the writer watched the movie “Tears of the sun, she paid attention to the conversation that happened there and found that many times the characters in the movie gave responses or answers that conversational maxims. Even when the replies from other person did not have connection, the conversation still could run well without any misunderstanding. The participant still could understand each other. The writer was interested in the conversation all of the characters in this movie. Therefore, the writer choose the title research THE ANALYSIS OF MAXIMS IN TEARS OF THE SUN MOVIE.

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