An Analysis of Interpersonal Maxim in Angels an Demons Novel ~ ADITAMA SAPUTRA 707

Tuesday 22 March 2016

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An Analysis of Interpersonal Maxim in Angels an Demons Novel

Hanifah,  Arina (2012):  AN  ANALYSIS  OF  INTERPERSONAL MAXIM  IN ANGELS AND DEMONS NOVEL. This study is aimed at describing Pragmatics especially Interpersonal Maxim in Politeness Principle used in Angels and Demons” Novel. The researcher used qualitative approach in this research so the documentation and note taking technique used to collect the data. There are objectives in this study; 1) to find out the types of Interpersonal Maxim used in Angel and DemonsNovel conversation. 2) to understand the meaning of the interpersonal maxim used in the  Angels and  Demons”  Novel  conversations. After investigating the data, the researcher finds several findings based on the analysis of the type of Interpersonal Maxim. There are six types of the maxim used; 28 utterances included as Tact Maxim, 3 utterances as Generosity Maxim, 28 utterances belong to Approbation Maxim, 16 utterances grouped into Modesty Maxim, 17 utterances indicated to Agreement Maxim and 3 utterances as Sympathy Maxim.  The  researcher finds  the various  meaning  of the  analyzed utterances: it depends on the context of conversations.

Keywords: Politeness Principle, Interpersonal Maxim, Tact Maxim, Approbation Maxim, Generosity Maxim, modesty Maxim, Agreement Maxim, Sympathy Maxim.


A.        Background of the Study

Writing novel is one of the way to express idea. Novel as the work include  words  even  sentences  typed  by the  author  can  be  one  of  the function of the novel its self to entertain and to give the new knowledge to the reader through the language inside of the work.
A good novel usually has some features. Theme, plot, character, setting, imaginative work of art are the features appear inside the novel (Graham  Little.  1970).  Each  completes  the work in  creating  the good novel so the reader will enjoy the reading.
In  transferring  their  imagination  through  the  sentences,  the authors   play   the   words   in   creating   the   tasteful   of   dialogs   and conversations. Through conversation, the characters perceive each other‟s integrity, depth, sympathy, and intelligence or hypocrisy, shallowness, and stupidity (Robert Stanton. 1964). Dialog in a novel is the particular part since the language used is as a gun in attracting people who has the certain purpose in reading the work. Some different writers have the different role in using language to form such a wonder sentence in novel conversation. Some of them only type the ordinary words in dialog and  the left prefers to use the sentence which is unique belongs to the setting of certain place even the conversation mixed with some terms according to the society background talked in the novel.
Since understanding the meaning of the novel‟s dialog is necessary to the reader, the researcher has the aim to analyze the conversation concern in interpersonal maxim analysis to help students and the reader to catch the meaning even the message inside the dialogues. In Angels and Demons Novel, there are many conversations that need to be explained in many aspects but the research here will only focus on interpersonal maxim as the part of politeness principle to be the reference in explanations.
You have done well”.
Serving the brotherhood is an honor
(Angels and Demons p.9)

Above is example of the conversation in the Angels and Demons Novel

that needs some discussion in pragmatics to find the meaning.

Analyzing   interpersonal   maxim   can   be   the   way   how   to understand the politeness and the intentions from the others words and works. When the other researches discuss more general features in novel, this research is emphasized in Pragmatics analysis in Interpersonal Maxim as the part of Politeness Principle.

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