A Descriptive Analysis of English- Indonesian Code Swithcing Spoken by English Teacher of MTs Nu Salatiga ~ ADITAMA SAPUTRA 707

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A Descriptive Analysis of English- Indonesian Code Swithcing Spoken by English Teacher of MTs Nu Salatiga

Fitriyah, Inna Afni. 2012. A Descriptive Analysis of English-Indonesian Code Switching Spoken by the English Teacher of MTs NU Salatiga in the Academy Year of 2011-2012. A Graduating Paper. Educational Faculty. English Department. State Islamic Studies Institute (STAIN) Salatiga. Counselor : Norwanto, M.Hum

Key word: Code Switching

The purpose of this study is describing the code switching  spoken by English teacher of MTs NU Salatiga in teaching-learning process in the academy year 2011-2012. The research problems are the grammatical aspect and sociolinguistic aspect of code switching and the function of code switching from the utterance that is spoken by English teacher. The writer uses descriptive qualitative approach as method for analyzing the data. The writer collects the data by recording and writing on note of what teacher said in teaching-learning process, then collect it and classified based on grammatical aspect of code switching, sociolinguistic aspect of code switching and the functions of code switching. A grammatical approach focuses on the structural aspect of code switching, the aim being  to  determine  the  syntactic  and  morphological  characteristic  of  code switching constructions. While, a sociolinguistic approach is concerned with the role of social factors in the occurrence of code switching, the aim being to determine  patterns  of  occurrence  of  code  switching  and  how  these  may  be affected by social factors such as context and speakers role relationships.   The result of this research, the grammatical aspects of code switching are extrasentential/tag switching, intrasentential switching, intersentential switching and intra word switching. Sociolinguistic aspects of code switching are situational and  metaphorical  switching.  The  function  of  code  switching  are  referential function, directive function, expressive function, phatic function, metalinguistic function,  to  mark  injection  or  to  serve  as  sentence  filler  and  to  clarify  or emphasize a message. The achievement of this research can be used to make easier in teaching foreign language and can be used as additional source and also developing code switching field in the next research.

                                                                         CHAPTER  I


A.  Background of the Study

Human is an individual creature and social creature. As a social creature, human lives in social life and always relate to the other people. Man lives in his community within language, culture and also tradition. One thing that makes people can survive from their community is they can interact with the other as well. The interaction can be done by understand their language. By language, People able to share and convey their thought and feeling to the others.  Like  what  stated  by Corder  that  traditional  accounts  of  language typically tend to state its function a being the communication of „thought‟ (1973:36).

Moreover,  Corder  said  that  language  is  something  people  „know‟, people do, people write, read and speak, well or badly. It is a skilled behavior which people have to learn and which improves through practice (1973: 20). So that, the more often people use language the better in using it, because language just likes habit. So does learn second language, the more often people practice it, the more people master it.

Using  language  in  social  life  is  studied  in  sociolinguistics.  Holmes states that sociolinguists study the relationship between language and society (1992: 1). Holmes also stated that sociolinguistics is concerned with the relationships between language and the context in which it is used (1992: 2).

Meanwhile, social  life  has  many variations  of  contexts  and  languages  in interaction, so the fluency of communication will be influenced by social factor like what Holmes stated in his book, that some relate to the users of language- the participant, other relate to its user the social setting and function of the interaction. In this case, who is talking to whom. Then, the other  factor  is  the  setting/social  context.  Then  the  last  factor  is  the aim/purpose of communication (1992: 11).

Recently, many people use more than one language in communication with people around them. For the effect, people more often use many languages  in  one  conversation  and  that‟s why  code  switching  and  code mixing often occur in their conversation. Hymes ( 1875:103) in Chaer & Agustina  was said that Code switching has become a common term for alternate use of two or more languages, varieties of language, or even speech style (Chaer & Agustina, 2004: 108). For instance: English is a foreign Language for Indonesian people but it has used by many people in Indonesia. People often use it to their purpose, or some people use English and Indonesia interchangeable or mix it. Moreover, English switching is done by English teachers toward their students in order to make easier in understanding what teacher conveys. It also helps students who still have a few vocabularies, especially in early English learner.  In Junior High School of Indonesia will be very appropriate to be applied the using of English code switching. The writer sure that English‟s teachers in many Junior High Schools use code switching in learning-teaching process well consciously or unconsciously.

Here, the writer would like to observe English-Indonesian code switching spoken by English teacher in teaching-learning process in the classroom. The writer chooses the context of sociolinguistics in Education field not in other public field because the writer is interested to find and analyze English code switching in context of Education by observation directly.

From the statement above, the researcher will research English-Indonesia code switching spoken by teacher in MTs NU Salatiga. Then the writer will analyze it according to the grammatical aspects, sociolinguistic aspects and the function of using it. So in this thesis, the writer would like to research entitleA DESCRIPTIVE ANALYSIS OF ENGLISH-INDONESIAN CODE SWITCHING SPOKEN BY THE ENGLISH TEACHER OF MTS NU SALATIGA IN ACADEMIC YEAR OF 2011-2012.

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