A Speech Act Analysis Used in Bus Transportation of Semarang-Salatiga ~ ADITAMA SAPUTRA 707

Thursday 31 March 2016

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A Speech Act Analysis Used in Bus Transportation of Semarang-Salatiga

Anisak, Liya Khoirun. 2012. A Speech Act Analysis Used in Bus Transportation of Semarang-Salatiga. Graduating Paper. English Department of Educational Faculty of State Institute for Islamic Studies (STAIN) Salatiga. Counselor: Norwanto, M.Hum.

Communication  and  interaction  in  bus  transportation  surely are needed by the driver, the driver assistant, and also the passengers. Speech act is an utterance that can consider an act. The codes or words used by the driver assistant is interesting to be analyzed by using speech act thoery. In this research, the writer tries to describe the codes or words and analyze the kind of speech act used in bus transportation of Semarang-Salatiga.

The Research uses a descriptive qualitative method which is done by describing and analyzing those objects. From the research, the researcher found that from those codes or words includes into word formation, word classes, and phrase. They also includes into locution, illocution, and perlocution, literal and non literal, and also direct speech acts. In conclusion, studying and understanding speech acts is important because it can make people be clearer to understand what other people exactly they are talking about in their daily life, and it also can be useful as a medium of linguistics science in education.

A.  Background of the Study
Bus is an important transportation media used by people to take them from one place to another places. Students, teachers, employee, salesmen, carpenter, and so on use it to take them to the place which they want to arrive. Not only adults, but also teenagers, old people, and children use it. Many people use bus because it is easy to find, cheap, fast, and comfort in driving, especially in Central Java.
In the bus transportation, surely, there is an interaction and communication, language, between the bus driver, the bus assistant driver, and the passengers. Language is the chief means by which the human personality expresses itself and fulfills its need for social interaction with other persons (Lado, 1964: 7). That‟s why they interact and interdependent each other, besides, the language is used by them for work (Lado, 1964: 11). To communicate, as the writer explain before, the bus driver and the assistant use the language to express their activities. A language, for the linguist, is form; sounds, letters,  their combinations into larger units such  as words, sentences, and so forth (Bell, 1957: 19).
In this domain, language should be simple and efficient to use. This is because sometimes people choose to communicate without wasting the time but clear to be understood. The important thing, that the writer knows, about the usage of language is how people understand what they talk about; even the people only use a word.
The discussion above can be included in pragmatics. Pragmatics, one of the linguistics studies, is the study of speaker meaning (Yule, 1996: 3), so using a word in communication is doesn‟t matter to be said. Other argumentation or statement, according to Leech (1983: 6), pragmatics can be defined as the study of meaning in relation to speech situations. It means that in specific situation, language can be used by a group of people in communication. For example: a person says „YKK‟, other people will be confused what did her/his means, whereas, it is well known as a qualified brand of zipper (Naimah, 2009: 2). The word YKK surely will be found in the textile factory or in the tailor office, not in the green grocer. In the same situation, a word will be found in the different case used by different group of people, as the bus driver and the assistant do.
Here is one of some words used by bus driver and his assistant: When the driver assistant sees a passenger, then the driver assistant says “poin-poin” while making some sounds by using his coin. The driver then stops the bus.
Lexically, in Indonesian dictionary poin means a dot (Fajri and Senja, 2005: 661). But in the reality, it means that there is a passenger who wants to get on the bus. This word is used to facilitate them to communicate. The writer thinks that if they use complete sentence to communicate so they will spend more times to talk more than work. That‟s why they need an efficient and  effective  language  in  use.  For  example,  they  will  not  use  Javanese sentence like “ono penumpang bos, mandeg ndisek, gen munggah” (there is a passenger, please stop it to make he/she get on), and then the driver stops the bus. In this case, the driver assistant uses speech action involved locutionary act, illocutionary act, and perlocutionary act, (Austin, 1967: 101).
In speech act, the language used by the bus transportation driver, the assistant driver, and the passengers can be analyzed more serious. Based on the phenomenon, the writer is interested in conducting a research which is entitled “A SPEECH ACT ANALYSIS USED IN BUS TRANSPORTATION OF SEMARANG-SALATIGA”.

B.  Statement of the Problem
Based on the background of the study, the writer wants to find out the answer of the following questions:
1.   What are the codes used in bus transportation of Semarang-Salatiga?
2.   What kind of speech act used in bus transportation of Semarang-Salatiga?

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