Descriptive Analysis of Englsih and Indonesian Personal Pronoun on Jakarta Post ~ ADITAMA SAPUTRA 707

Wednesday 23 March 2016

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Descriptive Analysis of Englsih and Indonesian Personal Pronoun on Jakarta Post

Maninten, W. Hera. (2012): DESCRIPTIVE ANALYSIS OF ENGLISH AND INDONESIAN PERSONAL PRONOUN ON JAKARTA POST AND SUARA MERDEKA ARTICLE. Graduating Paper. Tarbiyah Faculty.  English  Major.  State  Institude of  Islamic Studies.  Consultant: Setia Rini, M.Pd.

There are differences  between  English  and  Indonesian  personal pronoun. Therefore in this case, the research which is entitle Descriptive Analysis between English and Indinesian personal pronoun  on Jakarta Post and Suara Merdeka articles is aimed to compare and analyze between personal pronoun in English and indonesian. This research used qualitative method in analyzing data of research. After analyzing, the researcher got the finding which mentioned that both English and Indonesian personal pronoun.  The  purpose  of  the  reseacrh  to  compre  differnces  in  kinds; English personal pronoun has kind as subjective, objective, reflexive/reciprocal, possessive pronoun, and possessive adjective. But in Indonesian personal pronoun just have two formed singular and plural, in singular: saya, aku, daku, ku-, -ku, engkau, kamu, anda, dikau, kau-, -mu, ia,  dia,  beliau,  -nya  and  plural,  in  plural  has  three  form  are  netral, exclusive: kami, and inclusive: kita. Thus, there are similarities and differences between English and Indonesian personal pronoun.



A.  Background of the Problem

          Languages have important roles in intellectual, emotional, and social life time of human life. Language is the institution where human communicate and interact between each others by means of habitually used oral auditory arbitrary symbols. Language as a communication mean is necessary to be mastered. In the era of globalization the need of mastering foreign language, especially English as an international language, Indonesian is need as a developing country to communicate with others countries that use English language. It is clear that many learner need to speak and interact with English multiplicity situation, as for foreign travel business or other professional reason.
          In  teaching  learning  process  ultimately  the  grammatical  aspect  analysis parsing may be good as intellectual exercise, but are not much valuable. This is hopefully at the later stage, but the students should be more concerned with the sentence construction. Through this they become acquainted with the patterns of English sentences. They need to know words collocate, to know where certain classes of the words and which of those words have their normal places in sentences. So, they need to know for example; pronouns and the alternative position of them.

          Knowledge of how to put words together in the right order is as important as knowledge of their meaning. In order to be clearer, the following are the examples: Billy lost Billys bag when Billy was going to the school. (Billy kehilangan tas milik Billy ketika Billy sedang pergi ke sekolah). Correct. Billy lost his bag when he was going  to  the  school.  (Billy  kehilangan  tas  miliknya  ketika  dia  sedang  pergi  ke sekolah) (Drs. Rudy Hariyono & Andrew Mc. Carthy, 2008: 61).
          The teaching learning process of foreign or second language mainly consists of special difficulties. It is caused by the fact not all the systems of the language and another is exactly similar. It is needs some efforts to understand the characteristics of the two languages. The effect appearing expected is to determine an appropriate way in teaching it easily.
          Newspaper is one of information sources, it is a kind of written mass media issued daily or weekly that consist of several issue. It is to make indirect communication and interaction between the information source and the receivers. Newspaper has important role and position in our daily life because it is able to provide many events around the world.
          Mass media have some functions; they are informing, influencing, entertaining, educating, and to linkage social phenomenon in a country. After reading newspaper, there is a lot of information that can be accessed. The information abaout entertaining is one of the categories that are available in newspaper.
          Jakarta Post is one of some Indonesian English newspapers which are published  daily.  There  are  many  articles  in  Jakarta  Post,  such  as  national, archipelago, opinion, business, world, special issue, etc.
          Suara Merdeka is one of some newspaper in Indonesian which is published daily.  There  are  many articles in  Suara  Merdeka, such  as  national, archipelago, opinion, business, world, special issue, etc.
          For that reason, the writer is going to analyze about personal pronoun in the sentence on article from Jakarta Post and Suara Merdeka newspaper in a research entitled “Descriptive Analysis between English and Indonesian Personal Pronoun on Jakarta Post and Suara Merdeka Articles

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