A Discriptive Study of Code Mixing in Social Networking Facebook ~ ADITAMA SAPUTRA 707

Wednesday 23 March 2016

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A Discriptive Study of Code Mixing in Social Networking Facebook

This  research  is  aimed  to  describe  the  use  of  code mixing by the user facebook. Main questions will be answered in this research are (1) what  are the forms of code mixing used in social networking facebook?, (2) what are the purposes of using code mixing in facebook?, (3) what are the factors influencing the use of code mixing used by the user facebook?.   To answer the questions, the researcher used Descriptive Qualitative method. Therefore, the data concerned appear in words rather than in number. The researcher applied documentation as the way to collect the data. From the result of this study, the researcher finds the use of code mixing in the forms of words, phrases, hybrids, idioms,  clause,  and  word  reduplication.  She  also  found  the  purpose  of  code mixing are; expressing solidarity and intimacy, asserting status, pride and power, lexical needs,  incompetence, expressing self-emotion,  making jokes, and being more informative. Moreover the researcher analyze the factors influencing the used of code mixing in facebook; Speakers and personal speakers, partner speech, Presence of three speakers,  Time and place the conversation lasts,  The purpose of conversation, Topic being spoken.   It means that the use of code mixing is often used in our life both in everyday conversation or social networking.



A. Background of the Study

Language  is  required  by  people  to  fulfill  their  need  as  an  individual creature and as part of communication. Through language, people can express their ideas, mind, feeling, desire, and emotion to another or can get information from  other.  Language  has  a  social  function  as  a  tool  to  make  a  connection between human beings.
Everyone knows a language. Kiat says that language is a social phenomenon. It is a means of communication between individuals (Kiat, 1975:3 in Handita 2011). In other word people consider that language is the most important means of communication in human life. We cannot communicate in any real sense without language. As a communication, language has sounds, gesture, or marks having understood meaning.
Language becomes a tool of communication. It can be seen in many activities of human life. We have observed that the particular dialect or language one chooses to use on any occasion is a code, a system used for communication between two or more parties (Wardhaugh, 1986:100). The people speak with each other to convey some information and to tell something in conversational activity. Beside common use, language is also used for specific purposes. For instance, master of ceremony, doctor, police, announcer that use specific language when they do their own job.

 Skills and language development are not only owned by people like those mentioned above, but also can be owned by people who like to surf in cyberspace, as in the virtual world we can be friends with anyone and anywhere. We are also free to communicate either directly (video call) or indirectly by chat or via email. Social networking sites that are currently used and the global busy is Facebook. Facebook is a social networking site that is currently booming in cyberspace (Nilawati, 2010:1). Facebook first introduced by Mark Zuckerberg in 2004, Mark was one of the students at Harvard University. At first Facebook only be used by students with an email from Harvard, but ended up evolving and open to the public.
Facebook is not the first, but this time facebook was the most famous and widely used by people worldwide. Facebook is used as a place to make friends, business relations, advertising and even just playing games. Facebook makes us free to do anything because we can communicate without having to meet face to face or have never even met because it is not likely to be in another hemisphere. This flexibility also facilitate the development of a language as everyone can have a facebook account, the differences in ethnicity, social status and even cultural and language differences are actually interesting to study and visit every day. Because of the differences in language and social status creates an interesting mix of language and it is very often used unconsciously. Mixing of languages  is usually referred to as code mixing. Code mixing is the use of two languages or more, or two variants of a language in a speech community (Chaer and Agustina,

As an illustration, the researcher presents example in a Facebook status and some comments which describe the reality of the language use between them in which afterward the reality of the language use can be categorized as code mixing. The example is as follows:
Pengen boneka Shaun The Sheep yang pualing genduut...hehehe [1]

Delay satu hari [2]

Dari tadi like foto terus padahal gag tau fotonya apa. Gag apalah buat pantes2.?. [3]
Otw Depok bye..bye..bye Bandung [4]

Hai, gimana kabar? Online pakai apa? [5]

Akankah team thomas pulang lebih awal. Haduh [6]

From examples number [1] until number [6] with the bold wirting show the example of code mixing, because the word is located between two different language (Indonesian – English) but still in one utterance. It is indicate the existence of language mixing, because the speaker master two languages, those are Indonesian and English. Since they master both languages, they can easily the languages by turns. The researcher wants to analyze code mixing used in social networking Facebook.
This research concerns the process of mixing the codes of Indonesian into English used by the users facebook. The researcher is really motivated to conduct a research entitled A DESCRIPTIVE STUDY OF CODE MIXING IN SOCIAL NETWORKING (FACEBOOK).

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