A Discriptive Analysis of Using Code Switching in English- Arabic Daily Conversation of English Islamic Boarding School ~ ADITAMA SAPUTRA 707

Tuesday 22 March 2016

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A Discriptive Analysis of Using Code Switching in English- Arabic Daily Conversation of English Islamic Boarding School

Ta‟mirul Islam boarding school is bilingual community, speakers tend to distract one language to another, in different sentences. Sometimes the speakers speak clearly using the one language on one sentence and different language in other sentence, which is commonly called as code switching. The research has certain goals, to know types of code switching used in English daily conversation of students Ta‟mirul Islam Boarding school. This graduating paper intended to be descriptive qualitative research. The writer used natural observations to collect the data. And she makes a note and record for materials research. The result of data has speculated to be three types. There are metaphorical, conversational, and situational code switching. From the data obtained and observed, the writer concluded that the students of Ta‟mirul Islam use code switching naturally and accidentally in daily conversation.

Key words:    descriptive   analysis,   code   switching,   English-Arabic,   Islamic
Boarding school


A.  Background of Study

            In the era of globalization and modernization, language has an important part in human life, since it is mean of communication. Language is mediator used by people with they have in their mind to others. According to Wardhaugh (1992:3), definition of language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbol used for human communication. Conversation between humans should be done, in Collin English dictionary (2003) the meaning of conversation is the through speech of information, ideas, etc.; spoken communication. According to Chaer (2004:14), view from sociolinguistic, language has a characteristic of social interaction and self identifying. In language, there was a communication between the sender and receiver.  From  here  it  can  occur  mixing  and  switching  language  from  one language into another language. Mix and switch code is result of language culture development, and from there we can see the person ability to communicate.

            People can choose one of many languages he or she mastered in oral and written communication. The more languages they mastered, the more flexible they are in the communication. Besides, the people will get more pride from other people because they special capability in using many languages. In multilingual community, speakers tend to distract one language to another, in different sentences. Sometimes the speakers speak clearly using the one language on one sentence and different language in other sentence, which is commonly called as code switching. According to Trudgill (2000:105), speakers switch to manipulate or  influence  or  define  the  situation  as  they  wish  and  to  convey  nuances  of meaning and personal intention. It may be suggested that code switching can be used for self expression and is a way of modifying language for the sake of personal intentions. They mix and switch code on speak because some times the speaker will more understand with the word or sentence which they says.

The phenomenon of code switching happens not only between local language  and  Bahasa  Indonesia,  but  also  among  local  languages,  Bahasa Indonesia and English. There are also turns their language into the Mandarin language, China language, Japan language, as well as Arabic language. On the phenomena‟s, occasionally we  would  see  the  switch  of  foreign  languages  or mixing with other foreign languages in a country. In Indonesia, we would often meet him once at a boarding school that has a standard of foreign language. So, many students can speak on code over unintentionally. Hence, the writer is challenged to find out the use of code switching in daily conversation on the scope of the boarding school.
Commonly, mixed and switched languages in Indonesia occur between mother tongue and foreign language. In this context, mother tongue is Bahasa Indonesia or local language, whereas the foreign language is English. Generally, many  people  speak  in  Bahasa  Indonesia.  However,  the  different  situation happened  in  Ta‟mirul Islam  boarding  school  where  many  students  speak  in English mixed and switched Arabic language.

Indeed, Ta‟mirul Islam Islamic boarding school are bilinguals and multilingual society. Because, on this place all of student required to speaks with two languages. There are English language and Arabic language. Furthermore, student mix and switch languages when they communicate with other. Sometimes they switch code English language with Arabic language. From this phenomenon, the writer wants to research about this. How switch will occurs naturally on the students  conversation.  Switch  between  the  English  with  the  Arabic language. Based from little explanation above, the writer wants to analyze code switching to ward in English daily conversation of student Ta‟mirul Islam boarding school. Because, the writer very interesting in they conversation.
As an illustration, the writer present a little bit conversation between students which describes the reality of the language use between them can be
categorized as code switching. The conversation is as follows:

Student (A): ي

نكَلعملاطلا . What do you do after dluhur prayer?

Student (B): I prepare my afternoon lesson. يطةلاه طﻏ
So what do you do?

ﻓو .

Student (A): I am going to kitchen for lunch. You don‟t lunch?
Student (B): No, Thanks. موَلا ماَص ًٌٌلأ
Student (A): Oh, I am sorry.

The  conversation  above  indicates  the  using  of  language  switching. Because the speakers switch two languages, those are English and Arabic. From this conversation, they can easily use the languages by turns. The example has been mentioned above can cause code switching. Wardaugh (1992:106) reveal that code switching occurs when the language use change according to the situations in which the conversant find themselves.

Therefore, the writer tries to do study dealing with the phenomenon, and really motivated to conduct a research entitled A DESCRIPTIVE ANALYSIS OF USING CODE SWITCHING IN ENGLISH-ARABIC DAILY CONVERSATION OF STUDENTS ISLAMIC BOARDING SCHOOL (TAMIRUL ISLAM, SURAKARTA, CENTRAL JAVA)”.

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