A Descriptive Analysis of Indoneisan- English Code Mixing Used in JYSK Rubrik Magazine 2012 ~ ADITAMA SAPUTRA 707

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A Descriptive Analysis of Indoneisan- English Code Mixing Used in JYSK Rubrik Magazine 2012

Noviyani, Siti Rohmah. 2013. A Descriptive Analysis of Indonesian English Code Mixing Used in JSYK Rubric Published on May-July 2012 Edition Of  Cosmogirl  Magazine.  A  Graduating  Paper.  Educational  Faculty. English Department. State Islamic Studies Institute (STAIN) Salatiga. Counselor: Norwanto, M.Hum

Key word: Code Mixing,   Indonesian – English Code Mixing, JSYK Rubric

The purpose of this study is to describe the Indonesian- English Code Mixing found in Cosmogirl magazine. The research problems are what are the forms and factors influencing code mixing in Cosmogirl magazine. The writer uses descriptive qualitative approach as method for analyzing the data. The writer collects the data by reading the selected articles on JSYK Rubrics in Cosmogirl magazine and selecting sentence that consists of Indonesian-English code mixing, and then coding the selected code mixing by giving code numbers to help the analysis run well. It was identified that English insertion are in the form word, phrase, hybrid, word reduplication, idiom, and clause. The factors influencing code mixing are the informal situation (Situation) , the educated class of the writer and the readers (Participants), the purpose of writing magazine that is to entertain the readers (Ends), the topic about young lifestyle (Act Sequence), relax way to deliver the message (Key), written language as the way to deliver a message, non- standard language used in magazine (Instrumentalities), the engagement between young people with English, the preference of young people to choose something that is famous and western oriented (Norms), and printed media form to publish magazine (Genre). The achievement of this research are expected to be an additional source of code mixing and also developing code mixing field in the next research.

                                                          CHAPTER I 


Nowadays,   English   code   mixing   occurred   in   society   was influenced  by the  global  spread  of English.  Globalization  era requires people to master more than one language.  By a lot of people who speak two or more language, for example Indonesia and English, Indonesia becomes a multilingual country. It is not impossible for people to have ability  in  using  different  languages  to  interact  and  communicate  with others. Besides, using English is becomes popular in society. People use English for many necessities, for example to manage their business. Their habit to use English in their daily life will accidentally reflect into their language. That‟s way; the use of code mixing is getting rapidly developed.
Furthermore, people sometimes switch code within a domain or social situation. When there is some obvious change in the situation such as  arrival  of  new  person,  it  is  easy  to  explain  the  switch.  It  will  be influence of language use. A speaker may similarly switch to another language as a signal of group membership and share ethnicity with an addressee. Even speakers who are not very proficient in a second language may use brief phrases and words for this purpose, (Holmes, 1992; 41). Code switching and code mixing are the effect of language development. They use code switching and code mixing in order to make their communication easier.

The  trend  of  using  code  mixing  is  also  happened  in  written language such as: newspaper, novel, and magazine. The language used in magazine is also suited to the reader‟s daily life. One kind of written language that is much influenced by English is a magazine. Magazine is one of mass media that printed and published every certain time (every month, every week, and every day). The magazine is categorized into different kinds: business magazine, fashion magazine, healthy, technology, sport, and entertainment magazine. There is much information that can be got from magazine.
Cosmogirl   magazine  is   one  of   famous   young  magazine  in Indonesia,  It contained  a lot of information that mostly expose young lifestyle, including fashion, beauty, lifestyle, tips, celebrity news, entertainment, book review, etc. It is published monthly. Since Cosmogirl magazine is dedicated for  young readers, the editorial staffs write the articles by using informal Indonesian language. One of the indicators is inserting other language into Cosmogirl magazines articles.
To give a little description of what the researcher intends to do, the researcher gives some examples as follows:
1.   Ada berbagai  excitement dalam acara Prom, salah satunya adalah ajang pemilihan Prom King & Queen. (May Edition, page 126)
(There are many excitements in Prom program, one of them is the election of Prom King and Queen).
                                  2.    Resto  yang  satu  ini  recommended  buat  kalian  yang  mau

menikmati kuliner khas  Jepang dalam suasana yang   homey

dan cozy. (July Edition, page 113)

(This restaurant is recommended for those who want to enjoy

Japanese exclusive culinary in a homey and cozy atmosphere).

These examples above show the use of code mixing in Cosmogirl magazine. There are some insertions of English vocabulary in these sentences. It happens to almost all the article of Cosmogirl magazine. The mixture of the language is being used to suit into readers culture. It has a mean to be easily accepted by young people because it is closely related to their daily lifestyle. As stated by Bhatia and Ritchie (2004) that some languages  are  viewed  as  more  suited  to  particular  participant/social groups, setting or topics than others. A particular group of people may employ different kind of code-switching and code-mixing for different purposes (Wardaugh, 1992: 109). It can be concluded that the use of code mixing in Cosmogirl magazine is dedicated to the readers who mostly young people.
As far as code mixing is concerned, the writer is going to analyze code mixing used in Cosmogirl magazine. Since there are only fewer detailed studies about how code mixing is formed, it is interesting for the writer to make an analysis entitled: A DESCRIPTIVE ANALYSIS OF INDONESIAN ENGLISH CODE MIXING USED IN JSYK RUBRIC PUBLISHED   ON   MAY-JULY   2012   EDITION   OF   COSMOGIRL MAGAZINE.

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