A Descriptive Analysis of Slang Terms used in “Hancock” Movie ~ ADITAMA SAPUTRA 707

Tuesday 22 March 2016

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A Descriptive Analysis of Slang Terms used in “Hancock” Movie

People always use slang language in their life to communicate with other. They use this word without understanding more deeply about it because they just follow these words from TV, movie, magazine, song lyrics, social network, and many more. This study concerns with the descriptive analysis of slang in Hancock movie. This study proposes some problems; the kinds, word formation, meaning, and sociolinguistics of slang in the movie. Hopefully, this study will be useful for students of English Department, especially to help them understand slang language used in Hancock movie. The researcher uses a descriptive qualitative method to classify and analyze the utterance. After investigating the utterance in movie script, the writer found several findings on it. First, there are two kinds of slang, namely: slang word and slang phrase. Second, the aspect of Sociolinguistic which influence the slang language, there are: participants, setting, topic, and function. Third, the word formation of slang, there are: blending, clipping, multiple process, affixes, coinage, and compounding. The last is the literal and figurative meaning. In sum, this study shows that there are many aspects of slang language which can be analyses more deeply to increase our knowledge and new vocabulary.

Key Word: Descriptive analysis, Slang, Hancock movie.



A.     Background of Study

Slang is non-formal or casual spoken English which create and used by people in a certain community. Slang words usually called slangism. It is a sprinkle of color in a language, since slang is unusual and unique. It also classified into language variation. As the general rule, it did not use in the formal spoken language or writing because it is humorous, ribald, or shocking.
Most of slang is the product of the youth. They use this kind of language  in  informal  situation  or  place  like  home,  school,  university, market, and so on. Sometimes, they create new word from their own language and it can be understood only in their community. This kind of language variety is designed to make speech more casual and playful. However, it may not always be suitable for formal speech.
Believe it or not, slang is used in our daily life. Teenagers give the great contribution of the forming of slang words. They form a new word which only understood by their community. It can be a characteristic of a certain group or community. They feel bore to use the common language. They need something new and friendlier in speaking with other. Slang is the answer of what they need to communicate freely. They create new word; they use it often and it being their daily language. It makes a great number

of slangism used by teenager because it can make their communication to be more effective. For example; the word cool and hot can both mean very good, impressive, or good-looking. Another example is the words wanna means want to and so on.
Slang varies widely to use across social, ethnic, economic and geographical regions. It can be used only in a particular territory; however it used generally in  a certain subculture,  such as  music or video gaming. Nevertheless, slang expression can be spread out outside the original areas to be commonly used. For example, in the social network like facebook, twitter, or messaging. There are some words in these internet subcultures, such as LOL, an acronym meaning (Laugh Out Loud). The other example is ROFL, (Rolling on the Floor Laughing), which is widely used in instant messaging on the internet.
In this modern era, we can found the using of slang anywhere. It can be found in magazine, radio, newspaper, social network, advertising, and movies and so on.
Talking about movie, it is the source of entertainment which popular for students, college or teenager. It includes one of the factors of the spreading of slangism world wide. Teenager tends to imitate their favorite actor or actress on the movies. They imitate the style and the way the actor spoke. Most of the teenager imitate the slang words or phrase which spoken by their favorite actor. Sometimes, they often imitate the words of slang from the movie without knowing the meaning of the words, how it can be

formed and it becomes their daily language. They think that this kind of words is very cool. However, it is very hard to found the meaning of slang in the word or speech in the dialog or statement because the words are unfamiliar. So that why, it needs to be learn more deeply for the writer as the students because it may be difficult and hard to understand  the movie if we cannot find the meaning of slang in English dictionary.
Doing the research about slang in the movie would give the positive contribution for the learner. We can found easily the slang words which spoken by the entire actor and it can increase our new vocabulary. We can found the literal and figurative meaning in the movie, the morphology or word formation of slang and analysis the sociolinguistics background in every slang word to understand it more deeply. So that way, we can get the entertainment and knowledge through the movie.
The writer here wants to analyze the movie with the title Hancock” based on the reasons of the meaning of the kinds of slang term used in the movie, the word formation in every slang expression, also the Sociolinguistics  aspects  of  slang  expression  found  in  the  movie.  The example of each categorize of slang as mentions: word (buddie, pal, alrite, gonna, etc); phrase (give a shit, fucked up, son of a bitch, etc.).
Hancock is a 2008 American  action  drama-comedy  superhero  film

directed by  Peter Berg and starring  Will Smith,  Jason Bateman, and  Charlize

Theron. The story is talk about Hancock (Will Smith) is a superhero whose poor  grooming,  drunk  and  disorderly  behavior,  and  destructive  rescue
 attempts, are doing nothing to make him popular in the press. Then public relations expert Ray Embrey (Jason Bateman) steps in to try and help him clean up his image. But some bad habits are hard to break. There is so many slang terms spoken by the actor on this movie. Some of the slang terms are difficult to understand about the meaning and also the word formation in every slang expressions. It makes the audience difficult to understand the story of the movie.
According to the text above, this is become the background of the writer to choose a title “A Descriptive Analysis of Slang Terms used in “HancockMovie.”

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