Puspitasari, Nunik. 2013. An Analysisof Major Character and the Ironies as Seen in TheKite Runner’s Novel. Graduating
Paper. English Department of Educational Faculty.
STAIN Salatiga. Counselor:
Hanung Triyoko, S.S,
M. Hum, M.Ed.
The aim of this research is to analyze
the major character
the ironies as seen in the Kite Runner‟s Novel by Khaleed Hoseinni. The writer drawn two problem statements, firstly about
the intrinsic elements that conveyed in the Kite Runner‟s Novel and then the second is the
fundamental roles of major character and the ironies as seen in the Kite Runner‟s Novel. It is a descriptive
qualitative research and the data come from „the Kite Runner‟s Novel‟ by Khaleed Hoseinni that published in 2003. To collecting the data the writer used note taking technique.
took a note on statements in the Kite Runner‟s
novel that contained in intrinsic
elements, major character roles and the ironies.
This research is focus on Amir‟s
character as
dynamic character and also the narrator. After that the writer combines every
each sentence that contained in irony. The result of
research the
writer found the sentences which contained in
the ironies, for example: “Hey, Babalu, who did you eat today?”Who
you eat? you flat- nosed
Babalu?”(it is contained in verbal irony), “Because Baba and Ali
have like brothers for their.
Entire life, Baba never expected Ali and Hassan to leave” (it is contained in situational
irony) and the last is “Baba thinks Assef is the great because he play Soccer and really wants Amir
and Assef to be friends” (it is contained in
dramatic irony). From the result of
the research
the writer found some of sentences that contained in ironies and from reading
novel we can learn
about what is irony.
A. Background of the Study
According to Wellek and Waren in Theory of
Literature (1949:94), Literature is the
expression of feeling,
passion and emotion
caused by a
sensation of the interestingness of life. It grows from
the imaginative mind of the writer. Novel as a literary works has known since
eighteenth century in England, in the forms of novel, poem, poetry, drama, and
A novel is derived from the Italian novella, Spanish
novella, and French nouvelle for “new”, “news”, or “short story of something
new”. Novel is a long narrative in literary prose. Novel is the further
development of romance. A novel is define as a fictitious prose narrative of
considerable length and complexity, portraying characters and usually presenting a sequential
organization of action and
scenes (Quoted from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/novel).
The Kite Runner (2003) is Khaled
Hosseini‟s first novel. It tells the story of Amir, a young boy from the Wazir
Akbar Khan district of Kabul whose closest friend is Hassan, his father is
young Hazara servant. The boys spend their days in a peaceful Kabul, kite
fighting, roaming the streets and being boys but, everything is changing
because of Assef who claims the Hazarajat is a place for the inferior. Baca Juga : Skripsi Tentang Analysis Code Mixing
story is set
against a backdrop
of tumultuous events,
from the fall
of Afghanistan's monarchy through the Soviet military intervention, the
exodus of refugees to Pakistan and the United States, and the rise of the Taliban
regime. In this novel He was practicing physician until shortly after the
book's release and has now devoted himself to being an author and activist. The
story of The Kite Runner is fictional, but it is rooted in real political and
historical events ranging from the last days of the Afghan monarchy in the
1970s to the post-Taliban near present. It is also based on Hosseini's memories
of growing up in the Wazir Akbar Khan section of Kabul and adapting to life in
California. In an interview with Newsline in 2003, Hosseini specified that the
most autobiographical parts of The Kite Runner are those about "the
difficult task of assimilating into a new culture." He also revealed,
"My father and I did work for a while at the flea market and there really
are rows of Afghans working there, some of whom I am related to." Because
he did not return to Kabul until 2003, after The Kite Runner's publication,
much of his portrayal of Afghanistan after the Soviet takeover is based on
research. Hosseini's choice of time period for the book, though corresponding
with his own life, also went beyond his personal experiences.
He has said that
he did not just want to
call attention to the devastation
in Afghanistan; he set out to remind the world that until the last few decades,
before the world's eye was drawn to it by violence, Afghanistan was a generally
peaceful nation. Skripsi Tentang Code Switching
As it is stated in Wellek (1949:73,
81,110) that there are two approaches in analyzing the literary work, they are
intrinsic and extrinsic approach. Intrinsic approach is a kind of approach
which analyze literary works based on the text and the structural points of
literary works; character, plot, setting, style and point of view. Extrinsic
approach is a kind of approach which analysis the relationship between the
content and other disciplines of knowledge such as history, religion,
psychology, biography, etc. So, if
we want to understand about
literary works, the
intrinsic elements should
be understood well. Those intrinsic elements are interrelated to one
another and they work as whole. As we know plot is a course of action taken by
the characters, characters are the person that works in a fiction; Setting is
the place and time in which a story happens. Setting can contribute to plot and
to the reader's understanding of the characters; point of view is the
relationship between the storytellers to the story. An author‟s choice of
narrator can sometimes reveal his or her opinion of events and characters in a
story and theme is a story‟s main idea. A theme usually extends beyond the
confines of a story to form a general statement about life. A story‟s theme is
usually implied through changes in character or setting, or through the author‟s
choice of point of view.
Characters in a
fiction can be conveniently classified as major and minor, static and dynamic.
A major character is an important figure at the center of the stories action or
theme. Usually a character status as a major or minor is clear, on the occasion
however not one but two characters may dominate a story their relationship
being what matters most (Diyanni: 1894, 54). For example in the kite runner
novel no single character dominates the story but there are two characters who
dominate the story or sometimes the narrator who dominates the story.
According to
Robert Diyanni books
(1894: 92, 93)
irony always involves
a contrast or discrepancy between one thing and another. Irony is
divided in to three kinds that is verbal irony, irony of situation and dramatic
irony. Verbal irony means that we say the opposite of what we mean for example,
at the party when Assef gives Hassan the Hitler biography and says "I hope
you enjoy the book, I know you like reading". Aftern verbal irony there is
irony of situation, it is refers to occasions when an individual expect one
thing to occur only to discover that the opposite happens. For example, how
after 26 years Amir comes face to face with Assef of all people and this time
to defend Hassan's son since he did not defend Hassan before. Then there is
dramatic irony, dramatic irony is the discrepancy between what characters know
and what readers know for example, Amir says that his teacher hated cliches and
then later in the book Amir uses the cliche, "like father, like son."
This study is chosen because the writer is interested
in reading novel. By reading novel automatically we can develop our knowledge
and imagination. And we can arrange the works that are chosen by the author.
Besides that, the writer can also get the authors feeling or experiences from
the object of the study in “The Kite Runner” by Khaled Hosseini. After reading
and studying this novel, the writer can give some information concerning with
the novel through the way of play based on the major characters and the
In this study, the writer would like to
analyze The Kite Runner novel which is written by Khaled Hosseini. It tells
about a man who has the struggle with his guilt and tries to find a way to
atone for his actions. Hopefully, the readers acquire the analysis of major
character and the ironies of this novel. Realizing the fact, the writer decided
to do as good as possible in the study of “The Kite Runner”. By having careful
analysis of the major character and the ironies as they are so well emphasized
by its author Khaled Hosseini.
B. Statement
of the Problem
In this
research, the writer would like to focus on the following problems:
1. What are the intrinsic literary elements
that are conveyed in the Kite Runner‟s novel?
2. What are the fundamental roles of the major
character and the ironies of the Kite
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