Improving Speaking Skill by Using Three-Step interview Strategy (a Classroom Action research) ~ ADITAMA SAPUTRA 707

Thursday 17 March 2016

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Improving Speaking Skill by Using Three-Step interview Strategy (a Classroom Action research)


Restiyanti, RiaRizky. 2012. Improving Speaking Skill of The eleventh  Grade Students of SMK N 3 Kudus in the Academic Year 2012/2013 by Using Three-Step interview Strategy (a Classroom Action research). Skripsi.English Education Department, Teacher Training and Education Faculty, Muria Kudus University. Advisor: (1) DiahKurniati, S.Pd,.M.Pd, (2) AhdiRiyono, S.S, M.Hum.

Keyword: Speaking Skill, Three-Step interview Strategy

English as international language is very important for everyone, because it is used in business, college and certain occasional. Speaking skill is a skill which enables to communicate or give a message by students to other and need a feedback of message that it given. If students understand of what the message, they can enable respond it or give a feedback. Nowadays, people still feel difficult to speak something in English even the students who have learnt from kindergarten. Many students are less in speaking English. It is caused by less in practicing English speaking and has no any confidence to communicate and share the idea. Besides that, many teachers still more focus on the grammatical structure than make students active speaking in the class. One of the ways to teach speaking English is using three-step interview strategy. It is one of the strategies which emphasize students to be more active and confidence in speaking English.
The research objectives in this research are; 1) to know if three-step interview strategy can improve speaking skill of the eleventh grade students of SMK N 3 Kudus in the academic year 2012/2013. 2) to describe the students’ response in using three-step interview strategy which is aimed improving their speaking.
The research design is classroom action research which have four steps; planning, action, observation and analysis and reflection. The subject of the research is XI TPHP 1 students of SMK N 3 Kudus in the academic year 2012/2013 in second semester.
After conducting the test from pre cycle until cycle 3, there is an improvement in speaking skill. It is caused by their activeness in learning English. In the pre cycle test result, the average score is 40,35 which the criteria is low. In cycle 1, the average score is 42,96 which the criteria is low. In cycle 2, the average score is 50,09 which the criteria is low and the cycle 3 test result, the average score is 56,17 which the criteria is sufficient. Meanwhile, The students’ respond In using three-step interview strategy is going increasing. 100% students felt enjoy in learning English by using three-step interview strategy, 86,96% students felt this strategy is interesting, 43,48% students does not get any difficulty in applying three-step interview strategy, 86,96% students get increasing in their speaking skill, 82,61% students can understand the material easily.
Based on the result of the research above, the writer hopes, it can be an alternative teaching speaking English to help students to improve speaking skill. 


In the first chapter the writer presents the introduction including: Background of the Research, Statement of the Problem, Objectives of the Research, Significance of the Research, Scope of the Research, and Operational Definition.

1.1  Background of the Research
In this time, English language as lingua franca in the country around the world. It is used to communicate people in the international conference. Even in our country English can be a foreign language in our communication, because we can share and communicate with other people around the world which have different native languages.
According to Harmer (2001:1) a lingua franca can be defined as a language widely adopted for communication between two speakers whose native languages are different from each other’s and where one both speakers are using it as second language. In other words, it is used for communication between two speakers who have different native language and they use more than one language as a second language.
People use language to express their mind, wishes, and ideas. Using it, people can share their ideas. So, people will understand and do what their ideas are. Language is not only used for daily conversation but also used in education. Considering those functions of language, people study language both formal or in class and informal or outside of class.  Ramelan (1992:14) says:
“…the use of language enables the members of a social group
to cooperate with one another for their own benefits. Language has
to be learned and used in a social community, without which
the existence of language is beyond understanding.”

In Indonesia English is taught at SD (elementary school), SMP (junior high school), SMU (Senior high school), and university. Knowing that English is quite significant for Indonesia in the future, the government always makes efforts to improve the quality of English teaching. By improving the quality of teachers and other components in educational process, hopefully the English teaching can be improved. One of the improvements of the English teaching deals with the syllabus which is reflected in the materials given to the students.
Learning English is not only about understanding in grammatical structure, an enrichment vocabulary and idiom but giving an opportunity to the students to express the idea.  According to Celce and Mc. Intosh (1979:90) there are two aspects to improve speaking ability. They are linguistic aspect and cognitive aspect. Firstly, linguistic aspect encompasses many things, such as vocabulary enrichment, grammar understanding, conversation, and idioms. Secondly, cognitive aspects consist of having ideas to express. Both are interconnected in order to be able to speak in foreign language. 
Based on the writer’s experience when did teaching practice in SMK N 3 kudus, the writer found almost of the teacher used Indonesian language while teaching learning process. This happened because many students were more understanding using Indonesian language than English. It might students less in understanding of grammatical structure, less in practice English speaking and did not have any confidence to communicate and share the idea. For that reason, the teacher just focused on teaching grammatical structure. It also happened to the writer when she thought by using English language and asked to the students to come forward in the class, the students did not give any respond.  So, the students did not have any chance to speak and share the idea with using English language. Besides that, the writer has conducted a pre-test in the eleventh grade students when she did teaching practice in SMK N 3 Kudus with focused on speaking skill. Based on the score of the evaluation that the writer conducted, a lot of students still low in speaking English and there was no expectation to get the better result of the speaking teaching.
Considering those problem, the teacher had to find another teaching method to motivate students more active in English language learning especially speaking ability. To solve those problems, the writer would use three-step interview strategy to develop their English language especially speaking.
There are several reasons why three-step interview strategy is chosen as an interesting teachingstrategy to apply as speaking treatment. First, three-step interview is one of the strategy cooperative learning which is used to teach a heterogeneous group of students working together to achieve a common goal (kagan. 1994). It means, students work together to learn and responsible for their teammate’ learning as well as their own.
Second, three-step interview is a cooperative structure that helps students personalize their learning and listen to and appreciate the ideas and thinking of others.  Active listening and paraphrasing by the interviewer develops understanding and empathy for the thinking of the interviewee. (Lipton and Wellman, 1998). It means, that students have to active listening of the interviewee says. So, the issue will be discussing getting a straight point to share with other teammate.
In E-workshop ( that three-step interview is an effective way to encourage students to share their thinking, ask question, and take notes. It works best with three students per group, but it can be modified for groups of four. It means that the students can be more enable and motivate in speaking because each of members has a chance to share the idea by interviewing each other. So, this strategy can be used in a small group then they share the point of the issue that it would be discussed to other team.
From that reason, the researcher is interested in conducting the research about the way to increase the speaking skill by using three-step interview and intended to do this research entitled “Improving Speaking Skill of the Eleventh Grade Students of SMK N 3 Kudus in The Academic Year 2012/2013 by Using Three-Step Interview Strategy (a Classroom Action Research) in order to make the students of SMK N 3 Kudus get motivate to learn and increase their speaking English well.

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