Utami, Ikhtiara. 2013 “Theme in The Twilight Saga Breaking Dawn Part I Movie Script“. ‘Skripsi’
of English Education Department; Teacher Training and Education Faculty of
Muria Kudus University. Advisors: (1) Fitri Budi Suryani, S.S, M.Pd (2) Atik
Rokhayani, S.Pd, M.Pd.
Key words: Theme, Movie Script
is the element which serves as the point of departure of the message; it is
that with which the clause is concerned. A message consists of Theme combined with a Rheme. We can refer
therefore to types of theme and the dominant type of theme. In this case, “The Twilight Saga Breaking Dawn Part I”
Movie Script is choosen because of some reasons. The first reason, the movie is easy watching,
because the story is about love and friendship that occur in vampire’s life.
Also, the movie script is easy to understand. Based on the reasons above, the
writer decided to analyze theme
in movie script in order to
help people to get deeper understanding about the message by analyzing theme in each clause
of the movie script used in the movie. So,
the writer is
encouraged to carry out the
research entitled “Theme in The Twilight Saga Breaking Dawn Part I
Movie Script”.
purpose of this research are to find out the
types of themes used in “The Twilight
Saga Breaking Dawn Part I” Movie Script and to find out the dominant type
of themes used in “The Twilight Saga
Breaking Dawn Part I” Movie Script. This
study includes in the descriptive qualitative research because it involves
organizing the problem, collecting and analyzing, accounting, explaining, and stating conclusion the data. In this case, it described theme found in “The Twilight Saga Breaking Dawn Part I” Movie Script.
The design of the research is descriptive
qualitative research because it involves organizing the problem, collecting and analyzing, accounting, explaining, and stating conclusion the data. In this case, it describes theme rheme found in “The Twilight Saga Breaking Dawn
Part I” Movie Script.
The result of this research shows that this research has found that
three kinds of themes were used in “The
Twilight Saga Breaking Dawn Part I” movie script. They are (206) ideational
themes, (64) interpersonal themes, and (39) textual themes. And The dominant
type of theme in “The Twilight Saga
Breaking Dawn Part I” is (67%) Ideational Theme.
Thus, the writer
concludes that theme can be used to create effective and efficient sentences or
compositions and to maintain the continuity of thought and idea. Therefore, we
need to learn theme. We can learn it not only from scientific or formal
language but also from language used in script, whether it is movie script or
speech script. Based on the result of the research and to confirm the
significance of the research, the writer proposes some suggestions to English
students, future researchers and English lecturers.
In this chapter, the writer discusses Background of
the Research, Statement of the Problem, Objective of the Research, Significance
of the Research, Limitation of the Study, and Operational Definition.
1.1 Background of the Research
is a very important thing in our life. Language also can be defined as a
tool for representing knowledge or for constructing meaning. Besides language is used to interact with people, we
clearly use it to talk about the world, either external world, things, events,
qualities, etc. or our internal world, thought, belief, feeling, etc. (Thompson, 1996: 76).
According to Butt (1995: 40), there are three functions of language
called as metafunction of language. They are experiental or ideational meaning;
the way we use language to express our experience of the world, interpersonal
meaning; the way we use language to interact with others, and textual meaning;
the way we use language to organize our spoken or written text so that can make
sense. Textual meaning itself is realized by theme and cohesion.
According to Halliday (1994: 64), the theme is the
element which serves as the point of departure of the message; it is that with
which the clause is concerned. The theme can be identified as that element
which comes in first position in the clause. Theme is one element in a
particular structural configuration which, taken as a whole, organizes the clause
as a message; this is the configuration Theme + Rheme. A message consists of a
Theme combined with a Rheme.
The writer chooses to analyze theme
because she would like to find the message in every clause. Exactly, she would
like to find the relation within a text that
cannot be achieved by grammatical stucture, but depends
on the non-structural resources that can be found by analyzing the textual
meanings. Butt, et. al. (2001: 135) state that “to analyze and discuss textual
meanings, we need a simple and distinct meta-language: the first element is
Theme and the rest of the clause is Rheme”. Whereas, Halliday (2004: 64)
characterizes Theme as ‘what the message is concerned with: the point of
departure for what speaker is going to say’. It
has function as a starting point or signpost, the frame the
speaker chosen for the message that put first; while, Rheme is considered as
the remainder of Theme that accompany it.
For example (cited from Gerot and Wignell (1994: 104):
went up the hill
what we need to do today
is revise for our test
Perhaps we
can wait until next week
In the example above, ”Jack” is
nominal group as Theme that is called Ideational Themes, “right” is continuative (a small set of items which, if they are
there, are always at the beginning of the clause and signal that a new move is
beginning) as Theme and “what we need to
do today” is also as Theme, they are called Textual Themes, “perhaps” is modal adjunct (an adverbial
that expresses the speaker’s judgment about the message, rather in the way that
a modal verb sometimes does) as Theme and “we”
is also as Theme, they are called Interpersonal Themes.
Theme provides the settings for the remainder of the
sentence. At the level of a clause complex (paragraph), the first clause will be taken as the theme (topic sentence),
while at the level of a text, the first clause or clause complex will be
regarded as the departure of what the author wants to tell about the Theme,
which should be new and interesting to the reader.
We can identify theme from many sources. One of theme is
from movie script. Actually, if we discuss about movie script it related with the other element within a movie. Usually, we can
find movie script in a movie before it is used as spoken. Movie script also
in written language because those are media to convey language which provides
message from the story.
The writer has curiosity to
analyze theme in “The Twilight
Saga Breaking Dawn Part I” Movie Script because of the reason. It is the writer found that students of
Muria Kudus University especially the students of sixth semester who got
Functional Grammar Subject still have difficulties to analyze the theme. She found this problem when
she joined in Functional
Grammar subject. In an occasion, the writer ever asks the students
about theme. They feel confused
about theme. So, according to the
problem, the writer considers to choose the research about theme.
In this research, the writer takes movie script as the data source to analyze theme. There
are some underlying reasons why the writer chooses movie script. The prior reason the
writer takes movie script because in fact, most of educators use
movie as a reference and tasks in teaching and learning process. So, as a
prospective educator, we never stop to innovate and develop the materials which
we use to add other references such as movie. It means that we can exploit
something in our environment that is used to media and references as teaching
and learning process. Every movie has message
in its. If we want to take the message of the movie we must know about the
theme first, because theme is something used to analyze message.
The second, the writer decides to choose movie script as data source because as
national and international movie which is mostly watched by people in everyday
life, it contains valuable information and entertainment in that message. Rightnow, mostly English movie to convey the information. So, as the
students we are demanded to write kind of genre like that, so it will be more
interesting if we reveal what theme is mostly used in the movie.
Furthermore, like what the
writer have said above that we can not deny that we come across
a lot of movie that the use of English is around us. But, there are some people
do not understand about the meaning of English clause used in movie script, so
they do not know qualities, function and message of the movie. Hence, She
is eager to reveal what information in those.
By analyzing theme can be helped us to do that.
“The Twilight
Saga Breaking Dawn Part I” is the right movie to analyze theme because the movie is
easy watching, the story is about love and friendship that occur in vampire’s life. “The Twilight Saga Breaking Dawn Part I” is a 2011 American romantic fantasy film directed by Bill
Condon, written by Melissa Rosenberg. According to the writer, this movie tries
to attract the audiency by combining a love story with fantasy animation. The
story began with Edward and Bella (Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson) are
having marriage and proccess of having a human-vampire blood baby. The story of
“The Twilight
Saga Breaking Dawn Part I”, Bella and Edward who are struggling to find true love
and having marriage can be seen and enjoyed by adult ages.
Furthermore, this movie won best female performance, best
male performance, best movie, best kiss, and best fight in MTV Movie Award. (http://www.Imdb.com/twilightsagaeclipsemovie.html). Many things can be
analyzed in this movie, especially to know the message of the movie itself with
theme used in clause of movie script.
on the explanations above and the previous study which is hoped to strengthen
her research, the writer decides to analyze the theme found in movie script in order to help people to get
deeper understanding about the message
by analyzing theme in each clause of the movie script used in the movie. From the background above the writer is encouraged to
carry out the research entitled “Theme
in The Twilight Saga Breaking Dawn Part I Movie Script”.
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