The Influencing of Using "PAIKEM" Method Toward Students' Speaking Ability ~ ADITAMA SAPUTRA 707

Thursday, 14 April 2016

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The Influencing of Using "PAIKEM" Method Toward Students' Speaking Ability

Speaking Ability and PAIKEM
Rakhmawati, Ticha 2012. “THE INFLUENCE OF USING “PAIKEM METHOD” TOWARD STUDENTS’ SPEAKING ABILITY ( A correlative study of the eighth grade of MTs YASPI PAKIS In the Academic Year of 2011/2012)”. Graduating paper of English department and education faculty State Islamic Studies Institute (STAIN) Salatiga. Consultant: Maslihatul Umami,S.PdI,M.A
Keyword: PAIKEM Method, Speaking Ability.

Many problems come out in the effort of acquiring skill of speaking a second and foreign language. Those can come from the outside either of learners or inside of the learners. One of the problems is coming from the using of method in teaching learning process. It is beneficial for the learners since it provides change for them to practice speaking. Therefore the researcher clarifies the references need.
The researcher gives review of PAIKEM method, students‟ speaking ability, and the influence of using PAIKEM method toward students‟ speaking ability. The populations of this research are the eighth grade of MTs Yaspi Pakis in academic year of 2011/2012. The total numbers of the populations are  102  students  and  the  researcher  takes  34  students  as  the  subject.  The researches analysis that there is an influence of using PAIKEM method toward students‟ speaking ability of the eighth grade of MTs Yaspi Pakis in the academic year 2011/2012.
A. The Background of the Study
Learning a new language does not have to be routine. It ought to be a fun experience. Bringing you closer to the culture and language and drawing you in, making you distrust to learn more. This can be done in many ways. The  most  important  is  to  capture  the  students’ interest  through  different methods.  In  teaching  learning  process,  approach  and  method  are  very requiring,  because  within  one  approach,  there  can  be  many  methods  and method is procedural. It can improve students’ achievement and build the teacher creativity.
English is one of students’ needs, which is needed by students in this period; students’ need English to make them better in the future. Through English, they can get a good job in a corporation and people will feel confidence when they could speak English fluently. The goal of foreign language study is to learn a language in order to read literature or in order to benefit from the mental discipline and intellectual development that result from foreign language study. (Richard and Rodgers; 1986:3). Any learning process would be interesting if the using of method is well done. Baca Juga: Skripsi Tentang Writing Ability.
Speaking Ability

Indonesia as multicultural country requires creative ways in all fields. One of field is education field that it needs democratization method in teaching learning process because in the method learners look as subject not object. (Ngainun and Achmad; 2008:61). The educators must therefore attempt to mix and match their methods of teaching to accommodate students with differing learning  styles  to  provide an  opportunity to  maximize their  learning.  The teacher must select a suitable material of learning for students’ need. It means that  the teacher and  the method  are used in  language teaching  cannot  be separated; experimented teachers of English now have to know how important English is. They have to know that students must learn words that speaker and writer of English use, fortunately, the necessary of English language is one of important material that should be taught.
The using method in teaching learning process not only needs a teacher roles but also learner roles. Learners will be successful in learning process if she / he has motivation to learn. Motivation is an important part to achieve learning  activity  and  to  interest  the  learner  attention  (Gadne  and  Briggs (1995)), so the purpose of learning can be improved in educational environment. It is an important factor to encourage a learner to learn more active, innovative, creative, effective, and fun learning (PAIKEM).
PAIKEM can be defined as: teaching approaches (approach to teaching) that are used with certain methods and teaching media that accompanied various environmental arrangements in such a way as to make the learning process   becomes   active,   innovative,   creative,   effective,   and   fun.   The importance  of  using  PAIKEM  method  in  teaching  learning  process  can improve students’ achievement because it is method that interest learners to learn.
In psychology fun learning is big influence to interesting in learning especially in Speaking Ability. It makes learning effectively because learners get a motivation. The important thing is how to create the condition which can invite and interest the learners to do a learning activity well. The teacher roles are very important to improve students’ speaking ability in English learning. As  teachers  must  have  many  creativities  to  pursue  all  means  to  involve students in the learning process. Active here is the role requires teachers to engage students to find material, express opinions, argue or infer the learning according to their abilities. Creative means teachers must provide the opportunity for learners to develop their creative ideas and thoughts in accordance with their capabilities. Effective means learning process should proceed in an effective. Innovative means teachers must be able to present lessons in ways that are new and not a monotonous technique. Fun means teachers should be able to create “festive” atmosphere in the classroom that learners concentrate on learning. And learning is most effective when it is fun. It makes teaching learning process effectively. Baca Juga: Skripsi Register Analysis
The education and teaching constitute complex problem, where many factors is teachers, teachers constitutes teaching component which hold an important role because the success of teaching and learning process is defined by teacher’s factor. Teacher’s function is to deliver the lesson to students through interaction. As teachers must have many creativities to pursue and involve students in the learning process. Because according to Arends (1997): “it is strange that we expect students to learn yet seldom teach them about learning, we expect student to solve problems yet seldom teach them about problem solving”, in teaching learning process teachers must give lessons in how students to learn and not expect students to learn, teachers must teach how to solve the problem and not expect students to solve the problem. In addition, the success in teaching learning process will depend on the teacher and learner roles. As teachers will be satisfied if they teach the learners to understand or full enthusiastic in participating in the learning process.
B. Statement of the Problems
1.  How  is  the  students’ perception  about  PAIKEM  method  used  by the English teacher in MTs Yaspi Pakis in academic year of 2011- 2012?
2. How is the profile of English achievement especially in speaking ability of eighth grade students of MTs Yaspi Pakis in academic year 2011- 2012?
3. What factors are influence students’ perceptions about PAIKEM method toward their speaking ability?

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