Walidain, Birrul.
2012. Figurative Language
in Rupert Brooke‟s
Poem. Graduating Paper. English Department of educational Faculty State
Intitute for Islamic Studies (STAIN) Salatiga. Consultant: Ruwandi, M. A
Key Word: Figurative language, Rupert
brooke‟s Poem.
This research paper is about an analysis
of figurative language used in Rupert Brooke‟s poem. The major problems in this
study are to know the kind, meaning, and the dominant of figurative language in
the Rupert Brooke‟s poems.The primary sources of data are the research is
conducted by using descriptive qualitative method. Researcher uses the primary
sources of data are the text of poems itself; The Fish, A Channel Passage,
Heaven, Menelaus and Helen, and the Great Lover. The method of the data
collection is documentation.
Based on the research, the writer
concludes that in analyzing literary work, especially for Rupert Brooke‟s
poems, the writer uses a part of whole figures of speech; they are simile,
metaphor, personification, apostrophe, synecdoche, symbol, hyperbole, and
irony. Based on the analysis, the study reveals that there are many meanings
and kinds of figurative language of Rupert Brooke‟s poems. The dominant
figurative language that Brooke‟s used on his poems is personification. Brooke
prefers to compare informative statement with giving the attributes of a human
being to an animal, an object, or a concept.
Background of the Study
As a member of a modern society, people cannot be
separated from writing and reading. Writing is an activity used to express
imaginations, ideas, and creativities. In addition, writing can also contribute
to spiritual and emotional developments. On the other hand, reading is useful
because by reading people will get information, knowledge about science,
technology, and others.
Some people are more interested in reading a
literary book rather than scientific book. This is because of two reasons.
First, reading a literary book is just an entertainment for them. They need
relax time after they are faced by monotonous and static activities like
working and studying. By reading the literary book, they get their own
pleasure. Second, reading a literary book makes them see, feel, and understand
lives, human beings, and nature better (Koesnoesoebroto, 1980:40). BACA JUGA: Artikel Menarik English
A literary book such as drama, poetry, and fiction
is an author imagination of world, life, and experience remarked in words. One
of literary books, which is discussed here is poetry. Poetry is the oldest form
of literature. A long time ago, when people did not know anything about written
language, they got such kind of stories from a storyteller. The storyteller
relied many stories in his memory and not in a written language. He was
speaking at the common place like markets and the edge of broadways with many
people surrounding him to recite his stories. Those memorized stories are what
people today called with verse or poems (Barnett, 1963:297).
Poetry is the most condensed and concentrated forms
of literature and said in fewer words and in less space. Poets choose words for
their sense, but they also choose words for what they hit at or suggest, for
the way their sound and for the word pictures they create (Perrine, 1977:9). As
one of the oldest genre in literary history, poetry is closely related to the
term “lyric”, which derives etymologically from the Greek musical instrument
“lyra”, and points to an origin in the sphere of music. In classical antiquity
as well as in the middle ages, minstrel recited poetry, accompanied by the lyre
or other musical instruments. The term “poetry” however goes back to the Greek
word “poieo” ( “to make” or “to produce” ), indicating that the poet is the
person who “makes” verse ( Klarer, 1999:28 ). Baca Juga: Artikel Inspirasi Skripsi
Poetry is not a higher kind of reason; it is the first
grade of verbalized experience, prior to logic, prior to morality. The world (
wherever is outside ourselves ) makes its impression on us. The mind expresses
its intuitions in verbal symbols and that expression is poetry. Poetry is at
once the simplest and the most complex form of literary expression. It
is simple in
the sense that
is primitive, that
historically it precedes prose
literature and represents a more direct and spontaneous method of rendering
experience in language than prose. It is free to utilize all the aspect of
language, the sound and the rhythm, and associations of words, as well as their
intellectual meaning or simple denotation.
The importance of the message in the poem gives a
person a voice. This voice can be used to express a variety of things. Often,
people use poetry to express how they feel when they think they are
misunderstood. Writing lets you see through the eyes of another, and this is
why poetry is important. Poetry is real, real people have written it to express
real emotion that is normally hidden. Delivery of messages in the poem is not
done in a manner swallow, as if readers are not so sensitive and so can not be
so foolish attempt to capture the will of the poet himself. The best, is how to
bring the work of poets and poetry readers
as being in
a room or
in an atmosphere
which is created together. Ask a lot of things
together completely honest, because honesty is thus assured that people are
together, who each spoke it.
has been important
because it gives
us a historical representation of what
previous generations found beautiful, important,
or profound. It can show us words and concepts from the past. Poetry can
even depict historical events. Poets in the past may have written a poem after
a big event occurres and by reading their poems, we can see how the event
affected everyday people.
Response to the poetry in general are very low.
Poetry is in particular read only by few people. The numbers of lovers of
poetry are always much less than those who enjoy the modern song like ungu
band, sheila on 7, slank, etc. Literature, especially poetry should be directed
in order to get as much attention as many enthusiast embrace. But, still on the
other hand, that is too ambitious work of literature with a purpose in order to
embrace all people.
In general, indifference to the literary society
stem from a lack of belief in the benefits of work and the results of that
culture. In the mid of life, that
emphasizes the primacy
of economic and
political efficiency, ratio, power, orderliness and security,
literature to the attention of meaningless activity. Writer, poet, fiction
writer, must convince the reader that there are benefits from the work they
Nevertheless, the language of poem precisely has a
specific value for a poet. It illustrates many subjects of life. It is maybe
like a poem of Rupert Brooke. The most Brooke‟s theme of poem is about war
patriotism in the First World War, but he also has a love, bravery, and
mythology. Ordinary persons find some difficulties to say the right sentences
to apprehend. Their thoughts and feeling are dealing with their imaginations
and experiences. In this case poets have been able to explain it. However, the language
of poems is not only amusement and decoration, it aids to the poet‟s message to
the readers, also entails social fact, human nature, and personal experiences.
Here, the writer wants to focus on the dominant
figurative language used in Rupert Brooke‟s poems. Figurative language is the
language that has more than one meaning and produced from creative imagination.
It cannot be understood literary because the words are used in non-literal
In poetry, a poet tries to express his idea and
imaginations through a medium of language. Since the poet uses a language as
the medium of conveying his ideas, it is quite important. Like rhythm and
imaginary, figurative language might be to be the province of poetry rather
than novel.
Figurative language according to Warinner ( in
Tarigan, 1985:179) is the language used imaginatively and not literary. Thus,
when having to understand it, people have to think deeper. Figurative language
is not intended to be interpreted in a literal sense. Appealing to the
imagination, figurative language provides new ways of looking at the new world.
It always makes the use of a comparison between different things. Figurative
language compares two things that are different in enough ways so are their similarities,
when their pointes are interesting, unique and/or surprising.
The similarity in dissimilarity then is the essence
of comparison. Here, the poet just wants to give impression to his language to
express his special meaning in order to get a special effect from the reader.
For poet, words can mean more than dictionary means. Words have the power to
suggest ideas and images related to their explicit meaning.
figurative language, after
all, belongs to
a language of phenomenon, which
is interested to
analyze, because it‟s the
product of creative imagination.
Figurative language with its compatible terms forces the reader to attend to
the connotations rather than to the denotations. Using the figurative language
the poet can create his poem concrete, condensed, and interesting. The writer
takes Rupert Brooke‟s poems for the study of figurative languge because it
makes the writer interested in knowing the knowledge of poetry and its elements
in order to be more clearly understood by the writer in particular and the
reader in general.
these arguments and
reasons, the researcher
feels fully encouraged to
analyze the phenomenon and to present it in the research paper entitled “
B. Problem Statement
In this research, the problem statements are as
follows :
1. What are
the kinds of
figurative language found
in Rupert Brooke‟s
2. What is
the meaning of figurative language found in Rupert Brooke‟s
3. What is
the dominant figurative
language used in
Rupert Brooke‟s
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