A, Feny. 2013.The Analysis of Teacher- Made English Mid- Term Test for
Twelfth Grade Students of the Odd Semester 2012/2013 of
SMK N 1 Kudus. Skripsi.
English Education Department, Teacher Training and Education Faculty, Muria
Kudus University. Advisor: (1) Diah Kurniati, S. Pd, M. Pd., (2) Nuraeningsih,
S. Pd, M. Pd.
Key words: validity, face validity, content validity, index of difficulty, discrimination
Teaching learning process and evaluation are two
important things in education. Beside teaching, testing has an
important role especially for teacher in teaching
learning process. At the end of teaching learning process,
teacher usually makes an evaluation about what she has taught. Test as
the instrument evaluation is used to provide information
concerning not only with the individual students performance, but also with the
effectiveness of teaching learning activities. Teacher
as a constructor of the test should construct a good test to get
the accurate data concerning the students’ achievement.
Test that is made by the teacher called teacher made test. It is still to be
questioned whether the test is valid or not because teacher rarely try outing
and revising the test first before giving it to the students. Knowing this
fact, teacher should analyze the test so that the teacher will know the quality
of the test. By analyzing the test, the teacher will know which item can be
used or revised.
This research aims to know how is
the face validity of the teacher- made English mid- term test, how is the
content validity of the teacher- made English mid- term test, how is the index
of difficulty of teacher- made English mid- term test, and how is the
discrimination power of teacher- made English mid- term test of SMK N 1 Kudus
used by an English teacher of SMK N 1 Kudus. It is expected to be useful for
teachers in constructing a good English test.
This research is descriptive
qualitative research. The source of the data in this research is the English
mid- term test items for twelfth grade in 2012/ 2013 and the students’ score of
Office Administration 1’ class, as a sample.
The writer found out the result
of data analysis. The teacher- made
English mid- term test has less face validity because of some common
considerations of face validity are not fulfilled by the test items. The items
have less content validity also, because there are several lessons material are
not covered by the test items. While the index of difficulty showed that there
are 60% or 30 items are easy, 30% or 15 items are medium, and 10% or 5 items
are difficult items. The items should be revised because the number of easy items
is too big. For the discrimination power, 66% of the entire items are poor, 18%
or 9 items are satisfactory, and 8% or 4 items are good items. Those big
numbers of poor items should be revised before being used again, meanwhile
there are 8% or 4 items cannot be used again and must be omitted because those
numbers have negative discrimination value.
From the fact above, the writer
suggests the English teachers should
try out their own test to know whether the test is good and valid or not before
it is given to the students. So, the result of the test can be used to measure
the progress of students and it can be a tool to measure the students’
achievement. The teachers should revise the easy items test and difficult items
test, so the teacher can measure the students’ ability correctly. The teachers
should revise the items which are categorized as poor, and omitted the bad
items, in order to get the best way in discriminating the more able students
from the less able students.
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