Wednesday 4 January 2017

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Neoalgae Spirulina 


Spirulina adalah merupakan organisme air berukuran mikro berbentuk spiral dan hanya dapat dilihat dengan menggunakan alat optik pembesar (mikroskop), hidup diperairan tawar maupun laut. Spirulina merupakan tumbuhan mikroatik tertua di dunia yang memiliki fitonutrient sangat lengkap. Memiliki kandungan lebih dari 100 zat gizi, hingga dijuluki ‘SUPERFOOD’. Spirulina memiliki daya detoksifikasi 2 kali lebih baik dari Clorophyl. Keistimewaan tumbuhan kecil bersel satu ini  yaitu jika diamati di bawah mikroskop terlihat sangat kecil berbentuk Spiral dengan 4 Pigmen warna yaitu Hijau (kandungan Klorofil Zat antioksidan), biru (Kandungan Phycochyanin zat anti kanker), Jingga (Karotin zat untuk imunitas), Kuning (Zeaxantin nutrisi otak dan mata) . 

Hasil gambar untuk neoalgae spirulina
Spirulina juga ampuh sebagai anti kanker dan anti oksidan. Sangat cocok untuk penderita Gagal Ginjal, Jantung, Liver, Diabet dan Hipertensi. Spirulina dosis tinggi 650 mg sangat potensial menggelontor racun/ toksin/ kerak tubuh dari dalam tubuh. Secara alamiah Spirulina terdapat di danau-danau alkali. Spirulina sudah sejak lama dikonsumsi oleh penduduk Mexico dan Chad untuk meningkatkan kesehatan manusia. Spirulina juga telah lama digunakan sebagai pakan larva ikan maupun udang. Penelitian tentang Spirulina telah dilakukan lebih dari 50 tahun oleh berbagai peneliti dunia. Jenis Spirulina yang ada di alam cukup banyak, lebih dari 100 jenis, namun hanya Spirulina platensis dan S. maxima yang sangat populer untuk kepentingan manusia, dan telah digunakan sebagai makanan Astronot ke ruang angkasa serta penanganan bencana kebocoran radiasi nuklir di Chernobil USSR.

Neoalgae spirulina sendiri merupakan microalgae spirulina tropis kualitas terbaik di dunia yang diproduksi oleh Neoalgae Technology Corp dari hasil penelitian dan seleksi spesies selama kurang lebih 7 tahun yang dilakukan oleh para pakar spirulina antara lain Tim laboratorium bioproses C-BIORE (Center of Biomass and Renewable Energy) Universitas Diponegoro, tim riset Neoalgae dan bekerjasama dengan tim riset dari Belanda untuk memperoleh spesies terbaik, formula nutrient yang optimal, teknik pembudidayaan yang optimal, teknologi produksi yang canggih dan tepat. Neoalgae spirulina memiliki tingkat kemurnian spirulina tropis 100% dan dibudidayakan dengan sistem organik.

Spirulina, seperti yang telah kita ketahui terkenal dengan julukannya 'SUPERFOOD', dan sering digunakan banyak orang sebagai suplemen untuk melawan berbagai macam penyakit, dan berbagai manfaat lainnya bagi kesehatan tubuh kita, ternyata juga bisa berfungsi sebagai MASKER WAJAH.

Masker spirulina mempunyai kandungan vitamin E yang bisa menghaluskan kulit, menyegarkan kulit, mengencangkan, menghilangkan flek hitam, dan juga menghilangkan kerutan-kerutan pada kulit. Masker spirulina membuat kulit kita bisa lebih muda dan terutama kerutan pada garis mata bisa hilang.

Masker spirulina ini cepat sekali menyerap pada kulit dan bereaksi lebih cepat dibandingkan masker-masker lain. Saat pemakaian langsung berasa kasiat dari masker spirulina tersebut. Masker spirulina akan mengencangkan kulit dan akan mengangkat kulit mati sehingga pori-pori yang membesar akan tertutup dengan kekencangan kulit anda. Masker spirulina akan mengubah hidup anda lebih cerah lagi dengan bersinarnya wajah anda.

Kandungan Masker Neo Algae Spirulina :
  • Vitamin A, B, C, D, E, K (Vitamin E pada spirulina 3X lebih besar dari pada Gandum)
  • Klorofil (membersihkan racun, radikal bebas dan mengencangkan kulit)
  • Phycocyanin (meregenerasi sel kulit, mencerahkan kulit)
  • Carotenoids (mencerahkan kulit)
  • GLA (menyeimbangkan sistem hormonal dalam menghilangkan keriput)
  • Kandungan mineral (menyeimbangkan pH tubuh dan merangsang metabolisme)
  • Nicotinic Acid (mencegah bekas jerawat)
Manfaat Masker Neo Algae Spirulina :
  1. Mengencangkan kulit sehingga lebih awet muda
  2. Menghaluskan kulit
  3. Mencegah dan mengatasi jerawat
  4. Memudarkan noda jerawat
  5. Mencegah flek hitam
  6. Mencegah penuaan dini
  7. Mengurangi kerutan halus
  8. Mengecilkan ukuran pori-pori kulit
  9. Meregenerasi sel kulit
  10. Memberikan nutrisi/ makanan pada kulit
Cara Pemakaian :
  1. Bersihkan wajah dengan face cleanser
  2. Ambil sedikit bubuk neo algae spirulina,taruh pada wadah
  3. Tambahkan air secukupnya hingga terbentuk pasta
  4. Oleskan ke seluruh wajah dengan menggunakan kuas,dan biarkan hingga 20 menit
  5. Kemudian bilas wajah pakai air, gunakan toner sebagai penyegar
  6. Masker spirulina ini bisa digunakan di bagian tubuh lain seperti payudara,yang dapat berfungsi untuk mengencangkan dan membesarkan payudara.


Thursday 28 April 2016

Contoh Skripsi Tentang Narrative: The Implementation of Using Short Video Stories To Increase Students Understanding In learning Narrative Structure

Hidayat, Mansur. The Implementation Of Using Short Video Stories To Increase Students Understanding In learning Narrative Structure In Seventh Grade Of MTs SA Pancasila Salatiga Academic Years Of 2012/2013. English and Education Department State Islamic Studies Institute. Supervisor: Maslihatul Umami, S.Pd.I, M.A.
Key Words: Implementation, Short Video Stories, Narrative Structure
English  is  becoming  more  and  more  important  in  Indonesia  as  it  is different  purpose,  such  as  teaching,  culture  and  among  other.  Many students confuse   to   understand   reading   texts,   especially  about   genre.   They   don’t understand to analyze the genre in the texts. Many students feel boar and not interesting with reading texts. They are lazy to read more text.
The purposes of this research are divided into two parts. The first purpose of this research is to find out whether  using short video stories improve the student achievement of the 7th year students of MTs SA Pancasila Salatiga in the academic year of 2012/2013. The second purpose is to find out how far is the significant contribution of using short video stories to the students understanding in  learning  narrative structure of the 7th year  students  of MTs  SA Pancasila Salatiga in the academic year of 2012/2013.
This research used classroom action research which consists of two cycles. The researcher used tests, documents, and observation to collect the data. The data were analyzed and calculated by using t-test formula. If to is same or greater than tt, null hypothesis is received. T-table with n = 26 is 1, 25 and the result of to 12, 39. From the calculation showed that to is greater than tt. It means that there is significant difference between pre-test and post-test. The researcher concluded that using short videos stories improves the students understanding in learning narrative structure and there is a significant contribution of using short video stories to the students understanding in learning narrative structure of the 7th Year Students of MTs SA Pancasila Salatiga in The Academic Year of 2012/2013.
A. Background of The Study
English is becoming more and more important in Indonesia as it is different purposes, such as teaching, cultural and among others. In Indonesia, English is as one of foreign language which is taught in elementary school, junior high school, and senior high school.
The main aim of teaching English is to develop four language skills, i.e. listening, speaking, writing, and reading. Reading is one of the four language skills, which should be developed in teaching English. Reading as well as other language skills, is placed as one of the important skills for students to be mastered. Here, teaching of reading is essential for preparing students with basic reading skill to be able to gain information and knowledge from any teaching text. Rivers (1981:259) said “reading is the most important activity in any language class, not only as a source of information and pleasurable activity, but also as means of consolidating and extending one’s knowledge of the language.”
Here, many students still difficult to understand reading texts, especially about genre. They don’t understand to analyze the genre in the text. In English, we know many genres based on the text, for example narrative, descriptive, recount, report, etc. Here, the writer focuses in narrative story text.
By understanding narrative story ability, we can carry out the main and aim of the text what tell about, give ideas, and share information from the story, so we are easy to know information or news from the story.
Based on the important role of understanding about English text, Understanding genre and structure in the text ability is needed by the students. According to PP. No. 96 1997 said that English is a compulsory subject as the first foreign language which has been taught in Junior High Schools. In KTSP curriculum, it is clearly stated that one of the objectives of the English subject in Junior High School is developing the ability to communicate in English, either in written or oral form which covers writing, listening, reading and speaking.
Ideally, in reading class, the students should be taught how to read, how to understand the text, how to find the structure of the text, how to encourage the main idea clearly and correctly, how to make students success in processing of constructing meaning, receiving, and processing information. The components of reading class are genre, grammar, generic structure, vocabulary, and comprehension.
However,  the  fact  has  shown  that  the  students  are  hard  to understand  their  reading ability.  They are  difficult  to  find  the generic structure in the narrative text. It is also evidence that in class, the students have limited time to practice their reading skill. However, they are not interested to read a text and feel boring with a text. Sometimes, they feel lazy and tired to read a text. Therefore, interesting is very important in reading subject.
Teaching English in Islamic Junior High School is less focus on reading especially in genre. Teaching reading is not an easy job. There are many problems in teaching reading. First, it relates to the condition of the students who are lack of vocabulary. Second, the students get used to read their  Indonesian  language.  Third,  they  don’t  interest  to  read  texts  in English language. For instance, when the teacher asks them to read a text, they refuse it. Another problem related to the students is that they are not interested in the material given to them. Those problems are faced by the students of MTs Pancasila Salatiga at the first year. The teacher sometimes cannot control the class and this situation makes them impossible to continue the learning process.
So  far, there are still many English  teachers who stand  to  use classical methods. The methods do not recommend a lot to learn traditionally or just reading a lot of text, but only improve reading skills in foreign language. The methods do nothing to the improvement of students' understanding in narrative structure. To achieve this aim, the teachers need to devise learning and teaching activities that are suitable with students need   and   interest.   Appropriate   strategy   which   provides   interesting activities will encourage students to be active and realize the demand that they are supposed to have.
Teaching English in Junior High school is learning through fun. To set students’ motivation can use many ways. Teacher can apply interesting methods and medium or playing kinds of games. One of the interesting methods in teaching narrative structure is applying short videos. When students watch the story video which played by the teacher the students will  get  point  from  the  story,  so  they  can  understand  about  generic structure of the narrative story. Moreover, short video should be suitable for children and improve their motivation in learning narrative structure.
Usually, almost all children like story. It makes them enjoyable and fun in learning foreign language. Using short videos to children can helps them to play their imagination based on the words and pictures. Short videos also helps students be active in the classroom, they try to guess what the passage of story is. Teaching English by using short videos has the good result; it is improve student’s motivation and their understanding in learning narrative structure.
Stories  include  ideas,  objective,  imagination,  language,  etc.  in which it can influence the grown up student’s personality. It is appropriate with Jeremy Harmer (2001: 282): “The use of videotapes has been a common feature in language teaching for many years. It is rare, these days, for a publisher to produce a major course book without a video component added in, and teachers frequently enliven their classes with off-air material or tapes produced for language learning.”
However, teacher gets difficulties in integrating short video into classrooms. Some of students who do not like English will feel sleepy, bored, confused, and frustrated when the teacher shows the story. Moreover, reasons for using short video in learning narrative structure are teachers have problems such as lacking the skill for integrating stories into foreign language, lacking experience or training in using technology, no time, error instrument and space short videos in curriculum.
From the clarification above, the writer takes the using of short videos as the topic of this research. That is the reason why the writer chooses the title for this paper ’’The Implementation Of Using Short Video Stories To Increase The Students’ Understanding  In  Learning  Narrative  Structure Of Seventh Grade Students Of Mts Pancasila Salatiga Academic Year Of 2012/2013.”
 B. The Statement of The Problem
It is necessary to formulate the scope of research, in order to avoid misunderstanding of the writer about the subject matter discussed. The problems are:
1.   Can the use of short video stories improve the students’ attention or participation in learning narrative structure?
2.   Can the use of short video stories improve the students understanding in learning narrative structure?
3. To what extent is the use of short video stories improving the students understanding in learning narrative structure?


Tuesday 26 April 2016


Artikel Sosial: Jangan Menghina Kami Karena Mungkin Kelak Kami Akan Menjadi Menteri

Jangan Menghina Kami Karena Mungkin Kelak Kami  Akan Menjadi Menteri
Artikel Sosial: Jangan Menghina Kami Karena Mungkin Kelak Kami Akan Menjadi Menteri
Jangan menghina kami karena mungkin kelak kami akan menjadi meteri. Itu adalah slogan yang sangat luar biasa para mahasiswa di jepang pada sekitar tahun 1888 yang mayoritas berasal dari suku samurai yang tetap ingin hidup secara terhormat pada kala itu. Pada saat itu para mahasiswa yang berjumlah sekitar 30.000 orang belajar pada sekolah swasta yang berlokasi di kota tokyo ibukota jepang dan 80 persen dari total keseluruhan mahasiswa adalah berasal dari desa atau kampung.

Monday 25 April 2016

An Experimental Study of Using Jeopardy Game Towards Students' Mastery on Passive Voice

Muthoharoh,  Siti  Faiqotun.  2013.  An  Experimental  Study of  Using  Jeopardy Game Towards Students‟ Mastery on Passive Voice at The Second Year Students of SMA N 1 Jekulo Kudus in The Academic Year of 2013/2014. A Graduating Paper. Educational Faculty. English Department. State Institute of Islamic Studies (STAIN) Salatiga. Counselor: Dr. Sa‟adi, M. Ag..
Keywords: Jeopardy game, Students’ Mastery, Passive Voice
This research is aimed at knowing the profile of students‟ mastery of passive voice taught using Jeopardy game and those who are taught without using it.  Besides  elaborating  the  profile  of  students‟mastery of  passive  voice,  this research also wants to explore whether or not any difference in mastery among students taught passive voice by using Jeopardy game and without using it, with the  reason  that  grammar  in  general  and  Passive  Voice  in  specific  terms  is important for student. It is used in daily activities and this subject included as one of  final  exam  subject.  Since  this  research  explores  the  students‟ mastery  of passive  voice  which  come  from  the  students‟ test,  quantitative  approach  is considered as an appropriate research design.
Then the result of this research is presented statistically in order to know the students‟ mastery of passive voice, also  descriptively to  reveal  the profile of students‟ mastery on  passive voice comprehensively. The findings of this research show that the average score of students‟ achievement on passive voice of XI IS 5 before using Jeopardy game is 63,9  and  after using it  is  68,9.  They appear more alert  and  can  identify the exercise faster.Then, the students taught without Jeopardy game (XI Bahasa) tend to be weak in level of understanding of Passive Voice. Their average score of voice pre test is 58,1 and their post test is 60,5. The students who are taught using Jeopardy game got higher score than those taught without using it. It is approved by the t-test result that shows 8,1 for the class who taught using Jeopardy game and 5,53 for the class without using it. Then, the main problem students‟ difficulty of learning Passive Voice, one solution to overcome the problem is by using Jeopardy Game.

Friday 22 April 2016

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Contoh Skripsi Bahasa Inggris Tentang Reading: Improving the Students' Reading Comprehension Through Retelling Technique

Improving the Students' Reading Comprehension Through Retelling Technique (Classroom Action Research at Third Year Students  of  MA  Mir'atul Muslimien  Grobogan  2012)

Reading Comprehension and Classroom Action Research

Khisbulloh, Dedy. 2012. Improving the Students' Reading Comprehension Through Retelling Technique (Classroom Action Research at Third Year Students  of  MA  Mir'atul Muslimien  Grobogan  2012).  A  Graduaring Paper. Educational Faculty. English Department. State Institute of Islamic Studies (STAIN). Consultant: Maslihatul Umami, S. Pd. I, M. A.
Keywords: Reading Instruction; Reading Comprehension; Retelling Technique
This research is aimed to improve the students' reading comprehension through retelling technique. This research examined how the profile of the use of retelling technique to improve the students' English reading comprehension, How far the improvement of the students‟ reading comprehension of the third year students of MA  Mir'atul Muslimien  2012  through  retelling  technique.
This  research  was conducted in MA Mir'atul Muslimien Jl. Kauman No 038 Ngambakrejo, Tanggungharjo, Grobogan.   Twenty five students of the third year students of MA Mir'atul Muslimien Grobogan 2012 were instructed through retelling technique to improve their reading comprehension. The methodology of this research used Classroom Action Research (CAR). There were three cycles to give the students more opportunities to improve their understanding about how to retell the passage well  and  effectively.
The results  show  that  the students' reading comprehension improves significantly. The T-calculation results shows that the T- calculation  of  cycle  I  is  17,69,  cycle  II  is  16,4,  and  cycle  III  is  20,9.  This technique uses the students' cognitive skill to recall the text that they have read. This technique can help the students to remember the information and the details of the text and to rewrite the gist of the passage. In the implementation of retelling technique, the students could enrich their vocabularies and be confident to recall and rewrite what they have read. They also performed their understanding with good connecting the information to another details. Based on the results, the research recommends using retelling technique in reading instruction.

A.  Background of Research
Reading is one of language competences that have important role. This competence is acquired to develop understanding about others‟ idea through a book or writing form. By reading, people are able to observe the idea given by the writing. This is common that ideas are revealed by writing form.  (Beene  &  Kopple,  1992,  p.  2)  states  “most  ideas,  issues,  and information are communicated through writing.” By this reason, people are required to have good skill in reading comprehension. This skill is able to help them find out the new idea by their critical thinking. In addition, in fact, many modern countries have good reading culture such as America, Japan and Australia. This means that to increase the quality of a country, the society should be aware to read from other sources.
In order to increase the human source, reading culture has to be promoted in a country. This would make the country more qualified in every field. Indonesia is then one of development country which needs also reading culture for the society to increase the quality of the human source. This effort has  been  designed  by  the  government  for  every  level  of  education  in Indonesia. Every Indonesian student has to face reading lesson in English class. Reading is also one of the competences of English that is considered as their final examination.
However, the problems sometimes arise when people are getting difficulty in understanding the main idea of writing text. They read the whole chapters of a book but they cannot reveal what contain of that book. This problem also occurs for some second language (L2) learners. The second language (L2) learners are usually having difficulties in understanding the main point of what they have read. The learners actually know throughout the meaning of single word of the texts but they do not really understand the ideas given by the writer of that text. After repeating the reading, the L2 learners probably understand what they have read. However, the problem is that they are easy to forget it when they move to the next text. This happens also in the instruction process. When the instructor command to the learners to tell about what they read, they for many times say “I have nothing to tell” or “Sorry I don‟t remember”. The comprehension that the learners get will lose easily because they do not understand deeply of the texts. The learners should aware that reading is necessary for them and they have to struggle in constructing the conceptual text. ” Comprehension doesn‟t “happen” at one point; rather, it is a process that takes place over time (Blachowicz & Olge, 2008, p.27). To be the good readers, they are acquired to have collective efforts in comprehending a text. Regarding  with  the  above  problems,  the  instructor  should  use  a strategy to solve this problem. The strategy to teach appropriately will help either  the  learners  or  instructor  make  the  learning  process  effectively.
Iskandarmassid and Sunendar (2008) explain that in the learning process of every level, the instructor needs to find the appropriate learning strategy in order to obtain the goal of the learning. In the context L2, the instructor can implement the practically best approach in teaching the learners about how read English text. This competence needs some strategies to catch Reading Comprehension, the strategy to read effectively in order the L2 learners comprehend the provided ideas of texts. For a couple of times, the study of Reading Comprehension is examined to help people understanding how to read effectively and to construct the meaning to the target language, using the text information to build conceptual understanding.
In order to comprehend meaning from text, the instructor should engage the learners in the learning process. The participation of the learner enables them think critically during reading. They will gain much information of the text and the gist. Blachowicz and Olge (2008) argue “Oral reading, dramatic reading, and forms of interpretation provide powerful ways to help students connect the emotions and perspective of characters”. This implies that by totally engaging in the reading the students will feel that they are involved in the text. To recall the memory of the text information, they then should be able to reveal in their own text or paraphrase them. Here they will stick the gist and gain the information or understand the ideas delivered by the writer of the text.
Based on the above explanation, the writer is going to specify the teaching  reading  by  applying  retelling  technique  to  boost  the  students‟ reading comprehension. The researcher then titles this writing by “Improving the  Students‟ Reading  Comprehension through  Retelling Technique (Classroom  Action  Research at  the Third Year Students  of MA  Mir‟atul Muslimien Grobogan2012)”.
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